Pratchett is the bomb.
Pratchett is the bomb.
:/ what’s wrong with you or is your attempt at humor that bad? and what’s with the complici-stars?
Just last week in Phoenix... a kid (couldn’t have been 16) sitting in the back of a beater single cab Chevy pickup truck tells me he likes my car and asks to rev the engine. I tell the kid (regarding my 05' BRG Lotus Elise) “It’s not that kinda car” but I rev it for him anyway. I tell him it’s British with a tuned…
Did you and the fellowship of the fucktard come together as a group to write your batshit statement? you need to see your doctor and make an adjustment to the prescription pal.
For a while, the only mail that went to my mom’s house were speeding and parking tickets- now it’s 401k statements and the odd birthday card from an aunt. #youaremyspiritanimal
I’ve been to this show on and off for the last 10 years with the same compulsion of duty you go to Thanksgiving, to bear the burden of that one relative you just can’t stand. But traditions. Thank you Car Bros for punching my relative in the face. It was awesome.
I already followed up on my Ford Ranger airbag, but keep getting notices even after the install. I think I’ll get another one, for double protection.
First you must requisition the appropriate eye-wear:
Okay jalops, who is going to MS paint us a Lil’ Wayne grill on a Predator mock up, to illustrate what this one looks like?
Oh Staph.. I mean Stef...
quite a unique sound indeed
Will buy used, 10 years from now, for $40k
I’ve never ridden a motorcycle, but I have a cracked bicycle helmet that tells me that I’m glad I moved out of Los Angeles. Still weird seeing people out here in Phoenix with nothin’ on their noggin. Their choice, but certainly I wouldn’t. To each their own noggin.
No track video will ever be as good as this one, IMO. That laugh.
Also it has a gorgeous strip of mostly not-driven on beach-side highway where you can take it up 140 clicks or so.. with enough fore-view to slow down for possible smokies.
I see what you did there.
I say Sebring convertible.. knowing full-well that I’m probably wrong.
so much this.. I’m from OC originally.. anything that will take up more than two spaces at the Starbucks across from the other Starbucks will please my soul.