
I’ve been waiting for the right time to make a conversion for my 2006

that coilover already looks ready to be replaced

Since 1959, she’s fantastic.

This will decimate all, after, you put about fifteen grand in it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from Japan Germany.

In AZ they’re super discrete. Look. A goddam minivan.

where’s her birth certificate?!

New lawn ornament opportunity for David!

sure. they’re all dicks, but the driver kicked it all off rather nicely.

......might give you a few more laps when you blow a front tire. I see what truckers do... cheatin’ bastards.

OMG, I saw the video first, thankfully. I have no idea what that title is saying.

Someone needs to take one of those victims’ shoes and throw it at the president. Throw a shoe at every nincompoop who won’t do anything about this b.s.- what a disgrace.

angry and upset? that it interrupted the back 9?

as not Russia comrade, I blame sneaky squirrel and moose

My shoplifting career was inspired by playing Led Zeppelin albums backwards

I’m actually okay with the grammar error, it’s cute.

if only I could turn back time

20k and a full sized cardboard cutout of Sarah Michelle Gellar folded in the passenger seat

when they brought out the new CRX as a got worse mileage than the OG model.. it was a sad day. I used to take mine from SoCal to the bay all the time with very few fillups.

had an 87 si.. but holy hell, 30k? someone with a burning rage of nostalgia really wanted to spend that Dawson’s Creek money they made back in the day

she was watching her soul drift slowly away from the stage and ascend into the rafters