
Wow! I would have been so sad to lose my Vita.. especially more than once. And especially thanks to the cost of those damn memory cards!

My beautiful Kotaku friends. This weekend may be it.

2 days before the biggest overhaul to the current (arguably best state) of the game from a series that’s been going strong for 5 years is a weird time to be making this proclamation, but I’m glad you are letting go of something you you have been holding on to for such a long time that you dislike. It’s really not a

playing into my almost now 100th day of playtime for final fantasy XIV.

I keep refreshing UPS to see if my Dragon Quest 11 S was thats my weekend.


“Stop saying jets are a disaster!”

*Insurmountable Skullfort



The Yakuza 0 train keeps on a-rollin’.

Gonna play as much KH3 as I can, or as I have come to call it, “Goofy attempts to calmly explain the lore of Kingdom Hearts”.

I have no doubt most of his base does not travel more than 30 miles from home. I would bet 90% don’t have a passport. 

I’m gonna play a little bit of Destiny 2 (yeah, I’m one of those people that still plays it.)  I’ve got of handful of activities to do as well as an exotic quest to wrap up.  Due to no one on my friends list or clan playing D2 anymore and Bungie harboring a deep seething hatred for solo players, I’m going to be forced

I find it funny that some men(AKA boys) are responding all butt hurt about this. This ad gets me in the feels. This is my dad all day long. He taught me to “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This means to me that roles don’t define you but how you act in those roles do. He taught me that being a black male


was bumping it last night

The executive producer is technically in charge of the project, handling everything from budget to organization to creative direction. Each film is technically a business and the executive producer is the boss, or one of the bosses. Some executive producers are basically project managers handling stuff like catering,

I’ve struggled through so many JRPGs that are dull and I just don’t enjoy because of that phrase, and it’s shit. If a game isn’t enjoyable or worthwhile for the first 40 hrs, why on earth would I want to stick around for the next 40 hrs? It’s already outstayed its welcome at that point. I wish more JRPGs could have

First of all, the only one using the term “act of bravery” is you—repeatedly. And since you clearly seem inclined toward trolling, I’m personally not inclined to engaged beyond this (though it seems you’ve made plenty of other friends, in the process). But that said, what people are responding to is vulnerability;

There’s a great episode of David Chang’s Ugly Delicious on Netflix about it. IIRC it’s the fried rice episode, but it focuses heavily on the racism in play with Asian food and Caucasian reactions to it. The whole series is outstanding and wroth a watch, but that’s the standout episode.