
Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Republicans on Twitter. So let’s get to taking out their accounts, one by one. @realDonaldTrump. From what I can gather, he commands the MAGA Trolls from a golf cart just outside of Mar-A-Lago. He’s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch

This is a just a colossal waste of money. While there are so many people suffering in the streets we’ve got to remember that whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let’s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta’aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege

Working through the Yakuza series, currently on Y4. I have a feeling I’ve already experienced the high points of the series, but it’s still good fun.

I tried Skatebird and the inverted X and Y axis on the camera, along with my inability to find any option to change it made me hop out of it quicker than I wanted. BUT it was cute and fun while it lasted.

Cristales was also one of the more beautiful looking games I’ve played in a while with an amazingly well done

The word Icon has been thrown around so much lately it has lost meaning. In the case of John Lewis it may be an understatement. In an era of “fake woke”, Hotep’s that talk it but don’t ever come close to walking it and those that would rather switch than fight John Lewis towers above them all. I hope all of you that

Yuru camp is one of the most uplifting slice of life I've ever seen. It's just perfect for the time being. The only fanservice is about Japan's sightseeing. 

I waited until this long weekend to start Yakuza 6, and I’m so glad I did. It’s tough not to play any Yakuza game in short sessions, and this is definitely no exception. Even before I was out of the prologue I had already laughed and had warm fuzzies from all the plot set up. Then I land in Kamurocho and accidentally

I race bikes as a mid to high level amateur. I’ve taken to busting out some of the special moves when I’m trying to mess with my teammates on training rides. Usually they groan. 

I think sports are the most consistently well done genre in anime, especially anything animated by Studio I.G..

Ahiru No Sora is the BEST basketball anime out right now. Like, the emotional lengths this anime has me going is unreal. The main players styles are based off of NBA legends and it’s been fun watching with my partner trying to guess who is based off of which player.

These would be my two recommendations as well. Yowamushi pedal is one of my favorite anime. I hope they do another season. 

At this point I’d just like to take the opportunity to say:

I’m really hoping for a slew of GameCube releases, we’ve already seen a few finally announced and hopefully more to follow

Grandia 2 og Dreamcast

I literally live next door to a Mountain Mike’s, my favorite chain of pizza (mostly a NorCal thing but they’re expanding south more and more), so on the pizza front, I’m all set!

Trying to finish up Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore while diving into some Animal Crossing: New Horizons. While I finished TMS on the Wii U twice, I’ve got to say the Switch version is definitely the best of the two. Even with some dungeons being confusing to navigate, it still maintains its charm, even after fifty

After beating Tokyo Mirage Sessions I finally went and bought Luigi’s Mansion 3 to play. Ill also be playing FFXIV, Borderlands 3 for the new event/level cap, and trying some Mutant Year Zero.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Doom 2016. Good stuff on both accounts, but they couldn’t be more different from each other.

Just started The Witcher 3.