
I don’t have the motivation, time, or energy for yet another Smash, especially since I already played all of them, and they just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Great video but no way this doesn’t feature in at least a half-dozen 2020 GOP commercials. 

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.

I’m just shocked by Florida. I thought Gillum had it.

True story—

Wow, just imagine the damage if those were bottles! Thank god the Mariners will never win a World Series.

his quad injury was a matter of quantum uncertainty

I love this new era of the NBA where every forward eventually becomes some rendition of late-era Boris Diaw.

So the tax payers are footing the bill over a supposed problem (not one in anyway shape or form) for a bunch of stupid, racists kids that shouldn’t have opened their mouths in the first place. What a lesson for the continuance of white entitlement and with protection in the form of law enforcement no less. Becky’s,


I’ve been doing StitchFix for a while now, and have had a positive experience.  In the past I would just go to Kohls and seemingly end up with the same clothes every time and they wouldn’t last; these ones I pay a bit more for (not as much as you’d think though), they’re better quality, but most importantly it makes

I’ve been doing StitchFix for a while now, and have had a positive experience.  In the past I would just go to Kohls

Oh god my sides, the funny thing is in spite of getting my Nth Edge Transit, I still get a little excited to see what the roll was and swap it out for my existing one to get a feel for it and see if it compliments my play style. Who would’ve thought the simple solution to the “how do we make your 10th Legendary

Lots and lots of Yakuza 0. I was bored at first since the first area was pretty much the same as in Yakuza Kiwami but after chapter 2 and the character switch, im having so much fun just running around, doing side quests and beating up mr. shakedown. Ill start moving the story along today. What im really waiting for

Yes, Destiny 2!!! I’ve wanted to get a digital copy so I don’t have to worry about swapping the disc in every time I start it up, but it is literally impossible to buy just the base game digitally anymore.  I’ll probably get more use out of this than any other ps+ game we’ve received so far.

Palestinian Mexican American. This is the America I know. When those morons start spouting off about America is white and blond/blue-eyed, all I can think is bish where are you from? And life must be boring as hell for you. And I’m glad I’m not from there, because I need more variety on where I am going to eat than

I am very familiar with challenges that come with PTSD, but I at least wear pants around my nephew, damnit

Goddamn Y’allqaeda!  Fuck these chiselers and their extremist zealotry

Sharia’ Law strikes again!