
I have the box next to me, taunting me... I can’t deal with this.

Shit man, that’s not fair. Poor man hasn’t even dipped his toe in the water and you wanna throw him into the damn Mariana Trench?

Disappointed a story about the NBA and wine doesn’t mention Boris Diaw.

Can’t wait!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because I barely have access to my tv (living with 3 ladies will do that). If by some miracle I can touch my PS4 controller though, I’ll be huntin’ monsters boi (still don’t know sh*t of what I’m doing though)!

I have them all within less than a mile of my apartment. I feel like I should be hugging you, poor soul.

My mom’s still without power, water only 4 days a week. Shit’s fucked man...

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

That’s why he used the plural “women” to the singular “man”...

F banana chips. Plantain chips on the other hand...

Huh, who knew that and The Matrix would end up being documentaries.

The 10 stack you gotta to in REDACTED Kingdom. Murderer.

This warms my heart! My sister and niece just moved in with me from PR cuz of how bad stuff is going, so I can relate. Congrats to Luis, can’t wait to see how he does.

So... how about that Witcher 3 playthrough, Riley?

I am LITERALLY EATING at this exact moment and I got even hungrier than I was. Claire’s not fair...

Ding ding ding!

Come on man, you know Sábado Gigante makes up for a LOT of shit.

Damn, you operate in a higher plane than us mere mortals.

You know? I love your articles because of all the ways you find to refer to that... thing without using his name and the “P” word together. You should be proud (I know I am)!