
Hahaha I studied at RUM! And yeah, Rebeca can go get screwed.

Her last name’s Perea. That’s definitely Latino, I know people with that last name. There is even a hospital back in PR with that name.

Uhh, my dad’s a barber. He files his federal taxes every year. You can choose to not do so, but I know a LOT of people who do. Also, while the majority of Puerto Ricans don’t pay federal income tax, as a country/colony/whatever we still pay a lot of other taxes residents from other states pay, and even others that

Dude (or dudette) you are doing the good work there. You have no idea how much your help will mean to a family who maybe hasn’t been able to eat anything but crackers in a week, or need to collect trash that got blown around by the winds. Seriously, I’m here with a little tear on my cheek thinking about it. My fam was

Destiny 2. So much Destiny 2. At least between OT shifts. PunchBros unite!

Just a heads up, the 20% off doesn’t apply to digital games. That means the Destiny 2 Digital Deluxe is $100, not $80.

Just a heads up, the 20% off doesn’t apply to digital games. That means the Destiny 2 Digital Deluxe is $100, not

So true it hurts, Ethan. That’s me with Horizon at the moment.

I’m debating that right now. Have been playing Horizon since I got it on release but it was superseded by BotW and P5. But there’s something that’s not quite catching me, I think it’s because BotW was so liberating. Anyway, it’s either that or going back to FFXII:TZA.

As a Puerto Rican, I can fully say FUCK THIS GUY. One of the first things you’re taught when growing up is that we’re a mix, Spaniards, Tainos and Africans mixed into what we consider ourselves to be. Huge parts of our culture are derived from our African ancestors and saying he considers himself a Spaniard is utter

As a Puerto Rican representatve I have to ask: did you just pin that trash motherfucker on us?

Now mix them up with a bit of black pepper and garlic. YUM.


As much as I want to read this, I really want to wait till I have the book in my hands. I’ve got faith in you.

An off-screen Winston put a barrier where the enemy Widowmaker was, thus shielding her from Mei’s popcicles. Mei then used her ice wall to lift the Widow over the barrier and proceeded to make a sno-cone out of her.

Another song with Baby on the title! Seriously, Baby gets all the best songs.

I feel you man...

They already did.


should have or should’ve*

Come on man. Don’t compare that orange turdmuffin to us!