“Conservatives are sowing the seeds of their own destruction, but it’s going to be a bitter harvest.”
“Conservatives are sowing the seeds of their own destruction, but it’s going to be a bitter harvest.”
Spineless, Republican white women sides with her evil, fascist husband huh?
It probably won’t change a thing. Why? Because enough white people in this country agree with Trump and wished he pulled off his coup or just don’t care because their life isn’t directly affected.
White boy free as bird and not even charged with anything yet if he was Black or Brown he would have been arrested on the spot with a bond high as the fucking sky or no bond at all. Amerikkka.
Im going to assume you don’t know any cops because the requirements have never been high.
We’ve taken Lewis and his greatness for granted and just expect him to be there next we as he’s so dominant. Quite frankly I didn’t realize Lewis was 35 years old until like a few months ago - that’s old man with a walker age for F1. It’s time for him to think about his future beyond F1.
3 year commitment? He’s 35 already - that’s literally grandpa age for F1
“No, they’ll simply contract other companies to own and maintain the equipment”
Trump supporters are gonna love it
If that’s what you got out of the article you’re a fucking idiot
Cops should removed from doing everything except solving real crimes like robberies, murders, burglaries, rape, etc not traffic control or or parking tickets or hall monitors at schools or doing social work. #DefundThePolice
“That player said the entire situation and the way it was handled affected his desire to play in the game.”
He’s better than their favorite race driver...
The “stick to *insert whatever the subject usually is* I don’t come here for politics” people are usually head up their ass racist white people who are the least affected by said politics but don’t want to be reminded how much of a shitty person they are.
You really don’t get it do you? This has nothing to do with “punishment” - it has everything to do with saving their own ass. When that car is shown on tv going around the track with that sponsor’s logo on the car the sponsor doesn’t want to be associated with that conversation about his Dad. That sponsor doesn’t want…
The caucasity of this creep.
Yes fuck Kobe and fuck his asshole lawyer. But for “anything to happen” one has to be convicted with the help of the victim. As stated she wouldnt testify. So no nothing will happen if victims dont cooperate - we cant convict people without a trial. Since there was no trial does it mean Kobe didnt assault or rape her?…
White people kill me with this shit logic.
Either eventually is a very long time and/or white folks got other options as we - black people - have been looking for a fair shake since day 1 in America.