Thank you! That definitely worries me.
Thank you! That definitely worries me.
How much longer does the MCU have access to Spiderman? I read elsewhere that this is the last movie that they currently have him contracted for from Sony. I’d hate to see them lose him, but I could see Sony being vindictive and taking him back now that Venom made some cash.
Do you feel good about yourself now?
Why must the American Horror Story promos always be so much more aesthetically interesting than the show itself? I would watch a season based on the promos, but I can barely finish 2 episodes of the show itself.
...You do realize Harrison Bergeron was satire of the “PC Culture has gone too far” people right?
This is one of the best pieces I have read in years. Thank you for sharing.
Imagine being mad that a website spoiled that Peter Parker gets off a bus.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Bey wasn’t kidding about the NDA thing.
Wait. You were going around shit talking a movie you hadn’t seen??
Someone leaked an entire scene of Thanos interrogating the Collector while the Guardians watch. There were also some other clips leaked of Proxima Midnight and Vision/Wanda.
Are we not talking about the massive MCU leaks over the weekend? Or did I miss a post?
Oh thank God they’re getting the Road Chip guy for Black Adam /s
Oh. My. God. I deal with this all the time with my family. When I came out things were really rough for a while. I had a parent forcefully tell me I was only going through a phase or was bisexual. Now they say that it never happened, or that they don’t “remember that.” It feels like the worst gaslighting.
Uh, I don’t think Kelly is a judge on the Voice yet. Unless she’s wearing a Miley Cyrus costume...
That’s also just the plot of Westworld
Deeply lazy trolling here.
I played PS2, but I skipped the 3 when I was in my cool teen years. So seeing this available for 4, which I do own, is pretty great.
Each week I think that the Double Creature Feature has reached its apex, only to be proven wrong the next. It’s a thing of greatness.