
The resignation isn’t really a surprise—De Gregorio had a pretty bumpy career.

Sure he knew that everyone there is living on borrowed time. Totally worth it.

Your web-fu is strong. I loved that episode so much

Q: How many FIFA officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Hier, dieser ist besser:

Why did the FIFA official cross the road?

This joke cost $80 million dollars. How does he sleep at night? On a pile of money surrounded by beautiful women.

I didn't think you could fit four people in a Nissan Leaf.

I like the joke that was cut for time:

That’s no joke, that’s foreshadowing!

No, they really didn’t. They just kicked the case back to the lower courts, with more instructions.


I think I made the same mistake.

Has Hope peed in a drug test cup lately? Her behaviour seems very testosterone improved (see ‘roid rage’).

I suppose that would have to depend on the politician.

When the people are reffering to the Onion for evidence, common sense moves aren’t very common

Not even $10M worth of Detrol can stop them now!