
it is now.

It’s riddled with hyperbole, misleading statements and plain bad English.

I think what you’re referring to a “wife”.

More like the moral of the story is that you think Way to highly of yourself!

Wow. I have a win 7 64 computer that I updated to win 10. it has some customized settings. the win 10 download and installation didn’t take 12 hours and I had no problems afterwards with the screen fonts in any applications. So did could you have been updating on the same day millions of others were also updating? And

Nope. I still see a complete shit head.

But it didn’t shoot the .SVG

Google shot the serif.

Aw, it’s so precious when people that didn’t actually go to school to learn why branding and logos have an impact on lead conversion and marketplace identity start yelling about things they don’t understand.

Just because you don’t understand the mathematics behind font family usage doesn’t mean designers don’t work

Those who fancy small breasts never get any love...

rather than more “Japanese” she looks more Anime-like. The Japanese do not look like that. Ironically I think they were trying to make her more realistic (British) to begin with, but nobody seemed to like it. I personally didn’t even notice till this article came out.

We actually delayed the iPhone post so that we could post the Samsung news sooner.

Maybe not...It’s not a great idea to expose some flaws/bugs/whatever of the company you had to attend your internship...

Hey, guess what.

You’re right, Win 10 is going to shake things up. My experience with iOS is that it’s most definitely on it’s way out, at my work place at least. We went to iPads a couple of years ago and now most of those who got them hate them. We’re moving to Windows tablets and Windows phones too.

I think office dress codes should come into play. Women are generally allowed to wear glorified tshirts and shorts in professional environments, while men are usually required to be covered from head to toe, oftentimes with multiple layers.

Obviously I’m not suggesting getting rid of cars entirely, as practically speaking, that’s not going to happen in the foreseeable future except on a small scale (e.g. car-free zones in cities).

My ex-wife’s cold, dead heart.