
If by “faked” you mean “carefully planned, choreographed, and edited” then yes, it was “faked.” Of course this wasn’t some spontaneous single-take video, and everyone here knows it.

The more apt analogy is the cops having your landlord open up your apartment in order to execute a search bet your ass they have that power.

that’s where you’re wrong.

Here’s hoping it’s faithful to the source material:

damn right it is, my border collie would be in heaven here!!

Fucking Border Collies, they’ll do this all day, come home and paint your house then, later on, help your kids with their math homework. They make all the other dogs look bad.

That’s only when you play it backwards.

Internet engineering.

That slight droop in those hands in the aftermath tells you everything...

I’ll never forget the time in 7th grade we had a guest speaker in our English class whose name was “Dr. Harry Wang”.

Absolutely, and I in no way think this is a “sponsored post” or anything as idiotic as that. I would just like some consistency in articles like this, I would like the first part of the article to match up with the second part. If this is the closest thing to a productivity tablet TELL ME WHY beyond “apps lol.” Why

This app is a great idea.

Furniture is sexy? Well maybe this one...

Treating cancer with diet, herbs and plants? As someone who is alive due to chemotherapy, FUCK YOU. As someone who is now in medical school, FUCK YOU again.

LOL, the irony is too much!

This is how Pitfall worked.

I use ad-block too, but I turn it off for sites I like and want the creators to make a profit. I spend a lot of time on YouTube, Jalopnik, LifeHacker, and Gizmodo, so I have ad-block turned off for those pages. Being an adult, I realize that these services they provide for me are not free, and so I make sure to do my

Spear throwing and rock throwing ability are more of a physical evolutionary adaptation than a cognitive one. Humans are surprisingly good at throwing a baseball sized object with accuracy and incredible force. A typical adult can easily throw a baseball twice as fast as an adult male chimp, even though adult male

Ducklings can be scary too.