
How’s your sister? I heard she is now involved with a pirate.

Nope nope nope

He looks like a lab & boxer mix and have the bi-eyed of a husky

They want your phone back so they can install a backdoor :D

predator 4? I don't remember predator 3 happening? D:

Makes me wonder how my girlfriend can effectively communicate using just one character, “K”. And I know I will be in trouble :(

And back to the future he did.

You can send a private message for the suggested corrections or you can make it public to raise your ego ;)


Why did I laughed at this. Edit: I mean laughed at your comment not the situation.

Time to call Captain Planet.

And if you listen carefully in the movie. Han whispered to kylo: l am not your father. Then kylo stabbed him. And as Han falls. He whispered Luke.

Yes, Han is Vader’s bastard son.

Or in this case. Stop disliking what I like.

You click the link and then complain. While it only takes 0.5 second to scroll past it. It's no different from seeing sh1t on the road. Then you decided to step on it. And then complain you got sh1t on your shoes.

Using base of your palm can inflict more damage and a lot less chance of getting your hands injured.

Did you even read the article? Or you just focused on the words you like to read? Read it again please.

Lol, compare the least speced sp4 with m3 process to a full speced MBP? I guess we know who is the fan boy here who doesn’t use common sense? Why not compare an MBA with fully speced SB?

F***ing scary