
I feel you bro. And it's worse when you have O.C. Like me. I have to fix all the filenames, tags etc.. Streaming is only $9. That's like what? 30 mins of work pay. Unless you live in a country like where I came from, where $9 is your Ave day wage. $9/ month is very very cheap.

I feel you bro. And it's worse when you have O.C. Like me. I have to fix all the filenames, tags etc.. Streaming is only $9. That's like what? 30 mins of work pay. Unless you live in a country like where I came from, where $9 is your Ave day wage. $9/ month is very very cheap.

I saw that coming

Then, ask yourself why do people, upto this day, still install Windows on their iMacs? I wonder which os is cripple? Really?

Then, ask yourself why do people, upto this day, still install Windows on their iMacs? I wonder which os is cripple? Really?

For ca second. Enterprise power tools, scripting and automation, and most important Gaming!

cool!!!!!! I can safely eat toothpaste ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

My password is password123 since 1998. But I'm still yet to be hacked. Because why would anyone hack me. ლ(´﹏`ლ)


Lol. Focus on the evidence that will support your theory and disregards the rest that will contradict it.


Nice piece of thought. Thanks!


It's bounded by magic that science can't explain Like the fairies in the story.

I don't get it. Why do people even bother discussing with you while when it's clear that you are ignorant of the topic besides your own idea. If you don't understand who are these pirates, file hoarders, collectors, casual down loaders, where they are from, why do they pirate. Etc. Etc etc.... Better not say anything

Thank you. Best apple tip ever.

Well they are a business not a charitable institution. Hello Apple, Google? They are all the same. Anyway still looking forward to this. Let's see if they can challenge steam's platform for games distribution.

This will not give erection

It was plants vs zombies who made if popular to the masses that zombies eat brains.

Yet you are here and even bothered posting. :D your life is soooooo much fun.