
40 million sales *to* OEM's, not consumers. There's no consumer sales number out there yet, but we do know that web traffic stats are way below where Windows 7 was at this time post-release.

Efficiency is a worthy goal, but efficiency means doing the same job with less effort. The fact is you are not doing that right now. You're using fewer words but also giving us less information than required.

I don't think you really want to be telling me what's editorial policy anywhere other than where you currently work. Because frankly, you don't know.

This post is just riddled with inaccuracies.

I thought Kinja was supposed to solve all these problems?

Any phone that requires a case is either poorly designed or poorly made.

I don't think I've ever seen someone tl;dr a single sentence before. I guess that's the Twitter age we're living in.

I have no argument with your point, but I think it's funny that this was a light show for Citroen, it's a video shot by Citroen and they apparently couldn't be bothered to invest in a tripod.

They're offices. Most of the workers would be out by then. The rest of them really should be.

No, you need more words. These are complex tech products, and Gizmodo is leaving out info that readers need to make informed decisions. 1200 words is nothing - and you're counting words like "the", which frankly don't count, in any editorial profession.

Of course I've tried it. Who hasn't, at this point? All I wanted to do was hack it to work like Windows 7. There was absolutely nothing new about it that I liked. (And btw, Maximum PC tested the speed claims, and the only thing about Windows 8 that's actually faster is boot. I boot my PC about once every 2

Yeah it was kind of a forgotten entry in the genre, which I definitely couldn't understand after playing it in Japan. Only a few western arcades ever got it (only arcades that specialized in import hardware), and at that time there weren't many left, so I'm sure a lot of westerners didn't even know it existed. And

Yeah, I didn't realize it didn't actually have monitoring available - I just assumed that was included in the "premiere" package. I'm not sure what the monthly service charge is actually for if you don't get monitoring.

Well! I've been looking for something to replace my clunky and aging GE Simon 3. The Simon 3, like most security systems, was designed for POTS and requires an adapter to use on VOIP, like most modern phone systems. It also has a battery that's really hard to replace, and it's hard to program and getting harder now

The copyright notice might be complete BS, but this post isn't exactly accurate either. IANAL, but my job has always required me to know this stuff and all you need to do is read what's actually in the TOS:

It's not particularly "clever" - it's a classic pump and dump scheme:

If those were her boobs, that woman would have some major back problems when she gets older.

I swear I heard the guy say "punch test" at one point and I got overly excited for a second, picturing the next test to be a robot fist ritualistically punching the glass of a Galaxy Note II. Because who doesn't punch their phone like they're having a drunken bar brawl with it every now and then?

Christopher Nolan doesn't like CGI, and I know that there was also very little of it in the first two movies in the trilogy. Most of the shots that look totally impossible (like parts of the chase scenes) were just done with models, but many shots you'd probably assume were special effects - like blowing up the

The one time I played it was at a sitdown machine (one of those wraparound things), and if I remember right it tilted back and forth as you moved around. It was quite an experience. The sound was blaring and if it *wasn't* tilting as I remember, it was obviously still a pretty immersive experience.