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If they bundled it with Planet Harriers, the most recent in the series, I'd be all over whichever system they'd be porting it to.

Is there a trick to make the new compose window not sit in a little box in the bottom right corner of the screen?

I use Yahoo mail for my junk email because I can't stand it.

They should re-release this. Technology is cyclical.

Yeah, I'm not sure these guys really understand the point of an optical viewfinder.

Does it matter whether it's 1.5GB or 5GB? Either way, it's far too big of an update on day one. Game consoles shouldn't be released with an unfinished operating system, and the fact that some people are okay with having to sit and wait for an update to download before they can play a game is a big reason why we have

It sounds like he's attaching a camera to your iPhone.

A sense of humor is like talent - either you have it or you don't.

So what if they don't take their DSLR's out of full auto? DSLR's still have better sensors, better image processors (at least as important as the sensor), better metering systems, and better lenses than any phone or pocket cam or even the Sony Nex.

Microsoft might want to take note.

I couldn't tell what kind of pocket watch that was that he carried, but it looked pretty similar to one that's been passed down in my family for a bunch of generations. I looked mine up and was surprised to find that there are actually about a million of them still out there, despite being over 100 years old

Gizmodo's new policy seems to be to provide the minimum amount of information in their reviews and barely acknowledge the competition. Even the size of their reviews (in number of words) seems to have shrunk - and I'd argue that if they're leaving out important information, they've gone beyond being "concise" and are

The implication was pretty clear. What do you think "If you've been wanting to upgrade to Windows 8 but baulk at paying then, firstly, you're a bad person" means? (Ignoring the misspelling of "balk".)

So your point is it's impossible to have actually tried Windows 8 (as I have) and decide you don't like it?

It's not nearly identical. No start menu, and they changed the window interface to the horrendous Ribbon. That's pretty much the entire UI right there. The desktop environment itself is also not very visually appealing.

Ah, so a lens rental site posted something about this same topic on their blog, therefore no other site should ever mention it?

The "lady in the top picture" is the same as the lady in every picture, and she is Japanese, and is in Japan, so she can eat sushi however she wants. But I'm pretty sure she's not eating sushi with a fork anyway; the plate she actually has in front of her appears to have either a Hamburg steak or some kind of curry

I've never had their chicken, only the steaks and burgers. My comment was more or less a joke, although my dad used to buy me stuff from them almost every year and I never had a *bad* experience. I'm sure I could get the same quality from any random local butcher, and I'm sure their markup is probably ridiculous,

I'd say it's still a "thing" in Japan, that's for sure. You can't get away from it whenever anything new comes out. And I really think that's one of this site's missions, to either get you interested in, or cater to those who already are into, geek pop culture in Japan. (They broadened it to "Asia" when they made

Can't go wrong.