
Yeah but Victorian 18 is, like, present-day 31.

What the fuck does Jemaine Clement know about rebounding basketballs?

Look, it’s just about economic insecurity. And I’m sure there were good people in this group. Many sides, folks. Many sides.

I’m sure that this was all due to economic anxiety.

Let me guess, they then ran off like the cowards they are.

I’m definitely going to need a white person to explain this to me.

I’m not sure a couple dozen idiots clicking and posting comments about how they don’t want to read articles they could quite easily avoid reading is “the majority of the readership.”

I’m more interested in the way she made it sound like 3 generations of her family fought in Vietnam.

I like to imagine that each week Decker is in a closet, deep in meditation, and a ball boy has the task of dramatically interrupting him and saying “Mr. Decker... it’s time”

Bah gawd, that’s Sam Hinkie’s music!

“Ryen Russillo [beep] was arrested for criminal entry [beep] last week [beep] at a condo [beep] in Wyoming. [beep] Ryen Russillo [beep] should be arrested for criminal entry [beep] every time [beep] he tries to enter a studio.”

Tampa is not a good city. They have like 9 skyscrapers tops and there seems to be a massage parlor on every block, but they have a Cigar City brewery/restaurant in their airport, so I love leaving the city.

Yes, but can he run faster than Tom Brady?!

“The kid that threw the avocados never played for me”

See, I would’ve thought his favorite band was Counting Jim Crows.

Or wait until someone finds out she voted for Trump. Heads will roll.

The dreaded Two-Day Hangover. Kids in their 20s can’t even comprehend that they exist.

Day drinking is fine if you build in a nap. Day drinking straight into night drinking means at some point your brain DVR will stop recording.

So many “Zaza isn’t a cheap-shotting pussy cut from the Draymond cloth” truthers on here. Take your ring, but never doubt that the Golden State Warriors might be the most bitchmade franchise in professional athletics today.

I rue the day they will bring done!