B. Acre

Hot food can. But yeah, not Cracker Barrel style food.

I bet you have sun where you're from.

I don't know why anyone uses the name anyway. When I want to go to Dunkin' Donuts I usually just say "I guess I'll hate myself today". If I'm with someone at the time, they usually understand what I mean.

I think that pronunciation should actually be used for shit like Lender's so that you know the breakfast buffet doesn't actually have bagels, they just have shitty round bread. We could call those Montreal abominations bah-zhells, too, though thankfully that cancer hasn't really spread outside of Canada.

Kapo Ruckustein over here giving a performance worthy of the District Mayor from a Hunger Games prequel expanded universe spin-off webisode extra defending the Capitol.

Can you believe it's a private history account that was recently created and rarely comments? Surely total coincidence.

Username synergy

5-dimensional golf? Is that why he cuts his strokes in half on every hole, because he's converting to 4-dimensional space-time?

His caddy wouldn't go out in it, and without someone to drop balls for him he would be too afraid to play. So, regrettably, no.

Careful, he's been upvoted by "WokeJoke," who sounds like a real winner.

I'd assume Trump. So, accurate?

Too close to last time's.

Given last election, might work, depending on the quality.

Weirdly traditional. Tammany today, Tammany tomorrow, Tammany forever.

"They can't do it because I didn't make a reservation"

I'm just saying, we're two episodes in.

You mean (((Jesus)))? Yeah, probably wouldn't be super popular among Trump's base.

Is it possible that he's not in the throes of Alzheimer's? I mean, maybe, there are other kinds of dementia, right?

Yeah, but it's always had a mix. Of the 11 episodes, the four you name (inception/dog takeover are the same) were bundled with seven others that ranged from incredibly dark (e.g. the season-best Rick Potion #9) to fun with dark elements (like the Pilot, where the main plot is ridiculous but in a throwaway gags Rick

That was the late and unlamented Sonia Saraiya, not the AVClub writ large.