B. Acre

She at least married a talented guy. Paris Hilton was the original(ish) model and all she did was have a lousy sextape with a nobody.

That didn't happen, did it?

Apparently you can get a patent on such an idea (though whether you will be able to use that patent to block anyone else from doing anything is apparently still an open question) because our IP law is a broken, corrupt joke.

The humor and fun that characterized a season where Morty gets nearly molested in a bathroom and Rick lets his Frankenstein creation die for him so that he can score a couple of lines of sci fi coke to keep the party going because wubba lubba dub dub (which we are told at the same party means "I am in great pain

I mean, yes for desktops, but reasonably slim and lightweight laptops tend to be production-only affairs precisely because you have to get custom bits so that everything fits and cools properly in a slim, lightweight case, right? I'm pretty anti-Apple in a lot of ways, but even I have to admit that their laptops are

I remember being lectured about the virtues of "push" architectures in the very early '00s and thinking "No, that sounds fucking horrible. All you're describing is forcing content on users rather than letting users request the content they want."

OS/2 was actually pretty decent in a lot of ways, although it was an utter pain in the ass to install for some reason. It's a shame that IBM quit the field in so many ways. Their hardware and software were often very solid and forward-thinking, albeit sometimes quirky (anyone remember token ring networks?)

Honestly, Windows has always been kind of shit. It's been familiar shit, and it worked well once you got used to it, but it's always been more about marketshare than quality. I used to defend Microsoft because their stuff just worked while most of the alternatives were terrible (MacOS, back when Apple tried to do

I wish I could get the versions of most MS programs from 1999. The Freecell that comes with Windows 10 has integrated ads and noticeably chugs if I try to use it while Youtube is open in a browser window. It's like a shitty, Armor Games Flash version of itself.

Out of curiousity, how old are you? Simple, threaded, text-only forums were my first and still favorite format for online discussion. I never even really warmed up to UBB or other "flat threaded" nonsense. Disqus is probably the best of the "modern" comment systems precisely because it is largely threaded text

Yeah, maybe, but it's not as bad as you think. These sites are new-wave advertising. TV used to be fantastically profitable (still actually is) because of ad revenue. Is advertising a big scam? There's a debate, but probably mostly not scam. Is Reddit worth $1.8 billion? No idea, but it has a lot of eyeballs in

Congratulations, you should work in Silicon Valley. You've got the right soul.

Most of these genre titles are not particularly accurate. Is Fallout: New Vegas really accurately described as a "First Person Shooter"? There are some games that adhere strictly to genre formulas (formulae?) such as Doom, Battlefield or Counterstrike (any iteration for each of those) for "First Person Shooter," but

I think that genre titles are best when they are descriptive rather than prescriptive. Video games are evolving at a fairly rapid clip, and people are coming up with lots of interesting ways to communicate with and entertain each other. Let the terminology follow the creativity, not try to anticipate it so that

Sims' lives are really less interesting but move about a million times faster, which is a lot of what makes simulation games fun. I played Railroad Tycoon III to the seams because it was so engrossing and fun to me, but at its heart it's just a riskless, super-sped up, simplified version of running a business. You

I know you're being sarcastic, but yes, it probably would be. Dany flies on top of her dragons. Her view of the ground is suboptimal, to say the least. Historically the way that air recon has worked is that you attach cameras to customized planes so that you can fly normally while photographing the ground, and then

Anyone who has ever flown a plane can tell you how difficult air recon is. Shit is small when you're high up, and in daylight things blend in to the scenery really well. It's not clear to me how big Blackwater Bay is supposed to be at this point, but Dany, alone, on the back of a dragon, would not have been a better

Tyrion is her Hand, and he's actually met all the Starks.

So they left the castle garrisoned but totally without supplies on the off chance that Dany would launch a successful assault from her base on the other side of the continent? I could buy that they reduced the stores, but there had to be food there to feed the garrison and all the people who work in the castle

Nah, Littlefinger has been demoted from realm-manipulating-mastermind to Sansa's medium bad. She's going to have a conflict with Littlefinger that she resolves by her own agency. The Starks are the good guys and will remain the good guys.