B. Acre

And, by the way, what does getting Cersei onboard really get you vis-a-vis fighting the White Walkers? Her armies are largely depleted. You can hold the North with a few dozen men at the Neck, and then you have your dragons, the Wildlings, Dany's giant army, the unified North, the Knights of the Vale and what's left

Does Cersei really strike you as a reality-driven person? What's the ask here? "Let's all lay down our arms, come together for a big win against an existential force of darkness, and then after your one tool against me (the fact that I'm new and scary and accompanied by foreigners) is completely undermined by my

It's like intentionally dumb at this point. Why not bring horses? They don't even have any goddamn provisions. How far did they think they were going to have to trek to find the army of the dead? I pack more than that for a weekend-long summer backpacking trip in a temperate climate, let alone in the super arctic.

Reddit would have done a much better job than this fanfic nonsense.

Yeah, super pacifist, that Robert E. Lee. That kidnapping, slaving, torturing, POW murdering, treasonous Robert E. Lee. I can't tell if your head is just up your ass or if you're actually just a racist piece of shit. Doesn't make a difference either way, I guess.

Defend the place where he lives from what you fucking mouth breathing piece of shit? The Confederacy struck the first blow. The Confederacy was the aggressor and instigator. There would have been no war and no violence if not for men like Lee. They didn't trip, fall, and wind up in a bloody war in which hundreds

What in the living fuck is wrong with you? When Lincoln was elected, there was nothing but the threat that, THROUGH PEACEFUL, CONSTITUTIONAL, DEMOCRATIC MEANS, slavery would be abolished. That's why the slave states seceded. That's why they started the war by firing the first shots on Fort Sumter. That's why there

Fuck winning and losing. Two of them were men who fought for representative government rather than monarchy (or, if you want to be really kind to England, disenfranchised colonial subjugation), albeit one which included slavery in some areas. Two of them were men who fought for the right to continue to subjugate and

Fighting for the Confederacy was all about slavery. There was nothing to defend Virginia from, other than the government forcing it to free its black citizens. If Lee and men like him hadn't fought, there wouldn't have been a fucking war.

Literally the only states' right that any of them mention in their declarations of secession. Oh, and the right to have the northern states enforce the Fugitive Slave Act, which is actually not a state right but an expansion of federal power to force state executives to carry out a directive of the federal

If anyone's too lazy to check his profile, the two places he frequents are here and "The Right Stuff Radio," which is an openly fascist, white nationalist podcast attached to an openly fascist, white nationalist website. Even if he weren't too fucking stupid to know or say anything worth paying attention to, he's a

Fucking respectability politics bullshit. Yo Greg, the reason you can't have a tolerable Republican administration on TV without it being propaganda is that their policy positions are fucking nightmares that even they don't take seriously. Witness the last decade of bitching and moaning about Obama followed but the

Interestingly enough, pre-WWII the Dutch were the shortest European people. They're a classic example of the enormous impact of childhood nutrition on height.

They do approach sphere-shaped, but I'm not sure that's what people mean by "perfect proportion" in human physique.

Hermann Goring was a fat fuck. I can't find it now, but there was a cartoon published in WWII (I think in the USSR) making fun of Nazis by praising Hitler's blonde hair, Goring's physical fitness and I think Himmler's strong jaw or something. But dude was a grotesque fatbody even hidden behind clever German

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted

Seriously though, neo-fascists intentionally use the norms of democracy against it. If they win, they win, and if they lose, they arguably undermine the very norms on which non-fascist society is built. The technique is called "no bad tactics, only bad targets."

The 300 Spartans plus like 1,700 Thespians, right?

Yeah, except that Snyder's Watchmen misses so much of Moore's writing that it is a pretty inaccurate take on the book. It's a little like someone adapted Crime and Punishment as a Michael Mann movie.

It's a relatively faithful adaptation. It adds a lot in terms of tone and most of the stuff that happens in Sparta is original (in the most lukewarm sense of the term) to the movie. Miller's work is very spare and that can give it an almost impressionist feel, so it invites you to project on top of it. The movie is