B. Acre

More like mirrors and cocaine.

No one other than Littlefinger. If Cersei knew what he was doing, she'd want him dead, too. He's on no one's side but his own.

I didn't mean he'd be disqualified, I meant he'd be moved up to the Iron Throne by way of marriage to Dany.

I mean, the Dodo was last spotted in 1662, so I'm wrong on the decades thing anyway.

His flagship is in both places. Couldn't have split that.

More like decades since the last dragon died. The last ones were smaller, so it's been a few generations since dragons were militarily relevant, but we're talking more like the Dodo Bird than the Sabretoothed Tiger in terms of timeline.

There's an 800 foot tall wall made of ice that hasn't melted in spite of summers lasting years or decades stretching from coast to coast at the northern edge of the kingdom. White Walkers are myths, but one would think an open mind is appropriate given that.

There are, regrettably, historical examples of freed slaves going into the slavery business. And not like descendants of freed slaves, either. Actual dudes freed from bondage who decided you do what you know.

Holy shit, I just realized that. It is amazing how often the show manages to screw up the lore. Though, to be fair, Pentos is also a free city, and it is shown to be tangentially involved in the slave trade, to the point of Ilyrio owning de facto slaves. Braavos does seem more hardcore about the abolition thing,

No question it's super weak writing. Why was Olenna back in Highgarden? Why did she have gold bricks just sitting in her treasury, waiting to be seized by her hated mortal enemy? Why wasn't Highgarden garrisoned and provisioned to survive a siege, especially since they should be socking it away for the winter

There is literally no reason for Yara not to be executed immediately. I'm shocked that she made it to a walk of shame through the streets of Kings Landing. She is a living, breathing instigating incident for a civil war and a legitimate threat to the Seastone Throne, which both Eurone and Cersei should be very

Right but this is still ostensibly a medieval setting. The idea that someone of Dany's culture would conceive of what happened with Drogo as "rape" is hugely anachronistic. "Whenver I hear his footsteps outside my door, I lie back spread my legs and think of England": that's something a woman actually wrote in her

To be fair, Jon Arryn was on the verge of figuring out what was going on and warning Robert, which is why Littlefinger had him poisoned and then told Ned and Catelyn (some of) what had happened. The seeds of the War of the Five Kings were planted when Cersei cheated on Robert and aborted his children, but the

Boar hunting is staggeringly dangerous, so it's not that big a stretch. She also tried to goad Robert into fighting in the melee at the Hand's Tournament, at which he would have met an accidental end at the hands of a patsy—or not, in which case no one would be the wiser. Who knows how many oblique attempts on his

Interestingly, it is canon that a ballista (or scorpion) can kill a drag, if it hits it in the eye. Aegon lost a dragon and sister-wife in his ill-fated Dornish War from a freak shot by a Dornish scorpion that downed Meraxes with Rhaenys in the saddle.

To the Lannisters, because the Tyrells had allied with Dany and her "foreign hordes" and just now. Though to be fair, it wasn't so much the "Tyrell army" as "many important Tyrell bannermen, including Randyll Tarly," but in the context of the feudal system, losing your major vassals was equivalent to a major

Sansa is not going to backdoor Jon over a claim to Winterfell. I would not be surprised if she does wind up Lady Stark and Warden of the North once Jon is revealed to be a Targaryen, but she's not going to try to take it by force or otherwise.

The Targs were above the morality of even the other noble houses when it came to incest. Jon and Dany being aunt/nephew is actually a step up from the usual sister/brother pairing in the house of Blood and Fire.

Definitely recovering psycho, at the very least.

The HBO CEO of Tits has been demoted to a mere producer? The scandal.