B. Acre

No, labels are useful only in that they convey information. They are harmful in that they're abstractions that cause people to miss or ignore information by applying assumptions associated with the label to the person they're labeling as if—and this is the important part—the label is more important than the person

This is why current academic language games around identity issues is so toxic and unhelpful. Do you believe in equality for women? Then you are a feminist. Congratulations. Behaving as if women stand on some kind of identity-based pedestal and we mere men cannot be "honored" with the title of feminist is insane.

You guys tapped out on the bar scene? That's one of my favorite parts!

I mostly agree with this ranking, but every time I think about it I am just awed by Tarantino's consistent quality. Even his worst movie, Death Proof, is still interesting and entertaining, even though it's clearly in a different league than everything else.

Thank you for validating me. I didn't want to have to skim through a copy to confirm I hadn't dreamed this. God damn that was a weird book to read in high school.

If my memory serves correctly, there's like an entire story that revolves around bird/penis puns.

Seriously, it's almost literally 101 Dirty Italian Renaissance-era Jokes.

No, not a sing-along. Our anthem is hard to sing correctly and the appropriate posture is hand on heart, expression of barely concealed impatience on face, probably some kind of foodstain already on pants because these seats are sized for fucking ants and you assholes are serving hotdogs with slaw on them what the

Doesn't bother me too much. Highly visible signal that the time to buy beer and food is wrapping up and the game is starting. Every game could do with less downtime generally, though. The only thing that soccer does right is that they don't stop the clock. If only there were some action that took place during the

This was mostly a "Bernie so old" joke, but my understanding was that TV wasn't really a part of childhood until the late '50s/early '60s, by which point Sanders would have been a young adult.

Podcast actually seems like the ideal format for a guy who grew up during the golden age of radio.

As a New Yorker, more than half of what makes it funny is that we're sending the garbage to you and then breaking your balls over it.

Again, I'm a pretty liberal guy. I can totally get people rolling their eyes instead of putting their hand on their heart for the anthem, but I really thought this was one of those touchstones of being American like there being fireworks on the Fourth of July or making fun of New Jersey for being a garbage dump that

"This is five dollars!"

I mean, why would you?

Not sure. As of the '80s and '90s, I can confirm we had to do it.

I have no memory of a time when you did not put your hand over your heart for the anthem or, if you were wearing a hat, remove your hat and hold it over your heart.

I'm a pretty liberal Democrat, and I've always known to put my hand over my heart for the pledge and the anthem (and take my hat off, if I'm wearing one). Do either of you watch or attend sports games? This happens literally every baseball game.

Uh, that was Chief Justice Roberts, and I'm pretty sure it was a voluntary do-over (and that Obama subtly corrected him onstage by delivering the oath properly).

Are you an American?