B. Acre

Interesting, I didn't realize I had fallen on one side of a generational divide. That would have been just around the time I started being aware of things like "where I live," so I just missed it.

No, but you can do what all of us observant but lazy Jews do and make cream cheese and matzah sandwiches because you've neglected to load up on k for p food before the holiday started.

This is more tragic than the Phineas Gage case.

I grew up in upstate and we always called it upstate. So this shift must have taken place 30+ years ago.

Sad but true.

You heathens put sugar and honey in and around your bagels. I don't know why we haven't bombed the city from orbit for those crimes in order to prevent the disease from spreading. Oh wait, yes I do, because no one is ever going to make Montreal bagels other than the Quebecois.

So wrong it could be used as the absolute zero of incorrect opinions.

California has bafflingly bad pizza. Inexplicably terrible.

As someone who has just discovered the Great British Baking Show, god I wish they were mostly toothless. My wife and I refer to the contestants mostly by their distinctive dental deformities rather than names.

No, we mean "god you're a pain in the ass to pick a restaurant with and have willfully opted out of a meaningful chunk of human experience that is common ground for conversation, and substituted for it willfully delusional stories about how this or that meat substitute is actually even BETTER than meat and you'd

That's an incredible euphemism for "the rise of fracking has reduced coal processing volume to the point where purchasing the waste-runoff from anthracite slag sumps is no longer cost-effective."

I don't mean to imply that the NYT or WaPo are useless, only that they are underwhelming given that they are more or less the best thing going right now. For what it's worth, the front page is the same now as when I looked earlier, and it was the same this morning. The sidebar updates a little more regularly, but

CNN has always been a virus. The 24 hour news cycle is corrosive poison, and nothing good will ever come of it. MSNBC's continuing idiotic quest to become the Fox News of the Left is elegant proof of the futility of attempting to fight fire with fire.

Agree and disagree. It's neither a surprise nor a coincidence that three of the four major comedians getting plaudits for this work worked under Stewart during his run on TDS. However, their success is as much due to the fact that Stewart's criticism remains well-founded as that Trump et al are a gang of bumbling

They do. They're similar to their male counterparts, often right down to the weird misogyny.

Shocking that the whiners haven't already been banned. /r/The_Donald is like the earnest version of /r/Pyongyang.

I think there was a Neil Gaiman Sandman comic with more or less this plot. Took place in a diner or something.

The intentional jokes or the parts that make people laugh? Because you probably could save a lot of time cutting one of those categories.

Honestly did not realize those were different people until just now.

Same here. I was so unsurprised that I didn't correct my misreading until I saw the picture.