B. Acre

There may be, but then America also had a ton of German immigration in the 19th century. Germany has never had meaningful American immigration, unless you count 1945.

I didn't attempt to criticize PEPFAR. I criticized the statement that Bush was "practically a saint" for what he did for Africa. PEPFAR was a good program, but not the only thing Bush did there.

And you attribute this incredible insight to Bush himself, and believes it outweighs the other evidence, such as the utter failure of his domestic economic program, education initiative and medicaid "reform", to name only a few, his botched foreign policy, including two bungled wars, his thorough-going science denial,

What is smart about PEPFAR? What about it evinces intelligence?

Cutting USAID was not related to PEPFAR. He ordered the limitation on USAID funds on literally his first day in office. PEPFAR then doubled down on it but, you're right, did include some family planning stuff that was good. It got better in 2008 when Obama removed a lot of the ridiculous restrictions, which Trump

Doesn't change anything I just said. I've seen his old Texas governor's debates. Yes, he used to be more polished. Yes, he used to have a less exaggerated accent. But the fact that he's not dumb in the way he pretended to be doesn't mean that he wasn't still, fundamentally, a dumb guy. Name one smart thing he did.

So humble that he proudly announced that "the jury is still out on evolution," embraced climate denialism and plowed face first into two foreign wars with a darkly comic disregard for truth or planning.

I have always heard that he's a smart guy in person, but I have never seen any evidence of it. The man's policies, speech and results bespeak a profound lack of ability. The fact that both Bush and Kerry were C students at Yale says more to me about the grading environment at Yale than either's intellectual

I have always disputed Bush's supposed "sense of morality." The only moral issues that the Bush administration ever seemed to care about were abortion and homosexuality, and in my view they were on the wrong side of both. Even if you are pro-life, the Bush administration's policies undoubtably lead to a greater

It was the early 2000s, O'Neal. Everybody was banning gay marriage and walking into endless wars based on badfabricated intel.

I will never understand how people read this as "nice guy." He's a prickly, judgmental, dimwitted WASP. He's not friendly, he's just superficially polite.

Uh, isn't what he did cut funding for birth control—including literally any organization distributing condoms—shifting support to fabulously ineffective "abstinence only" programs, just as he did domestically?

Here's just one counterargument. Trump and Bush both have abhorrent policies, an allergy to facts and the kind of stupidity that only true children of privilege can grow to adulthood maintaining, but Bush was undeniably effective at implementing (the worst elements of) his party's policies. Trump, thus far, has

No, he's probably a better President than Trump will be. If Trump were to drop off the face of the Earth tomorrow, he wouldn't even be able to sniff W's jock in terms of abuse of power and policy catastrophes.

Sentence diagrams are descriptive, not prescriptive. It's true that the sentence as is doesn't diagram, but if you dropped "it is" in front of "not," then it diagrams very easily. So all you're leaving out in the author's formulation is an extra instance of the verb "is" along with an expletive pronoun, which must

"Not for nothing" is not only a longstanding idiom, it is grammatically correct.

Six hundred and fifty-five days until midterm elections. Everyone should take some time and consider what they can do to get men and women of good conscience elected to Congress AND to their state legislature. The only cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy.

President Clownface von Fuckstick, noted sexual predator and methamphetamine addict.

Is Trump president now? I haven't been watching. If he is, let me be the first to say: fuck President Trump.