B. Acre

Emma Stone was robbed.

What, before DeVos shuts them all down?

True story time. Way back when Underworld first came out on DVD, my friend and I were in Best Buy (it was the early aughts, give me a break) and we saw that there was a director's cut of this terrible fucking movie. As we were wont to do, we started riffing on the ridiculousness of a director's cut of this

Don't they get enough work playing Germans in our war movies?

I'll be the stick in the mud. I like my Hulks like I like my warfare: idiotic and species-threateningly, terrifyingly powerful.

Rookie. BD Wong is 56.

Eternal shaming by their parents. B+ report card displayed beneath siblings' A+ report cards.

The Red Skull never made it past Secretary of Defense, I thought?

He doesn't drink, but he reportedly does take "pep pills" that are probably some form of amphetamine.

They just need a catchy title. Just Sides? Nontrées? Yes, This is Healthier: Worth It?

The working man doesn't even rate sausage any more? Inflationary times.

Is anyone around these parts still playing Banished? I reinstalled it recently to snag the last few achievements I didn't pick up the first time through. The game still feels like a kind of triumph while at the same time feeling gallingly circumscribed.

In spite of my efforts to branch out, I'm likely to wind up spending the gaming time I have this weekend trying to claw my way out of Elo hell in League of Legends. I never see it mentioned in any of these end of week round-ups, so I figured I would take the shame and represent.

I really look forward to Borderlands 3 because the only thing that stops me from following in your footsteps is all the DLC that I don't have. Which is weird, because I almost never play online: I could very easily just enjoy the game(s) the way it(they) were initially crafted, but I don't.

I'll get right to that after I finish pitying you, which will take a heat death of the universe or two.

Pretty sure you haven't taken the 3 past Utica Ave.

What a weird example to choose instead of the classic knifewrench.

Sorry for the necromancy, but I'm pretty sure she picked Hayes because he was the first President since the Adamses to have gone to Harvard, ending a long dry spell (get it?).

Sight unseen I'm going to assume the rest of the comments are already pointing out that Millennials and Gen Xers are practically the same in every important way, including the tremendously unifying factor of having been fucked over by the Boomers. If you're young enough to have experienced crushing student debt,

Like a pair of white dwarf stars. Just dense.