B. Acre

Starship Troopers is subtle?

I thought Nuge was pissing all over himself to avoid having to perform at the inauguration, the same way he did to dodge the draft.

You don't need "an entirely new form of government." You just need to move from a bizarre, eighteenth century compromise form of indirect election to a direct popular vote, the same way that we moved from indirect election of Senators to direct election 104 years ago.

"His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie

These morons think that "sometimes you have to burn the village down to save it" is some kind of zen koan about maturity and Making the Tough Choices instead of absurd, murderous obscenity.

This is true, and those people are being dumb.

I'm not sure how old this account is, but you can look back through my comment history and see if I've ever compared any American politician to Hitler before. I haven't. You will find me calling George W. Bush the worst president we've ever had, which I still believe although I'm prepared to re-evaluate once this

I actually agree with this. The learning moment of this election should be that people who don't fit the model of the new economy will not go quietly, nor should they have to. I'm from one of those areas that flipped in a big way for Trump, and I have family in others. I was as shocked as anyone on election night,

How do you figure that's not what he is? His repeated refrain at the convention (and throughout his campaign) was that "only he" could solve the problems of this country. He vowed to force Apple and automakers and others to bring jobs back to America because of, among other things, the strategic importance of those

Bullshit. There are clear parallels between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler. There are also clear distinctions between the two of them, but just because Person B is not a perfect photocopy of Person A does not mean that A and B are not comparable.

First of all, Trump got fewer than 63 million votes, not 69 million. Second, you have no god given right to not hear about the politics of country in which you (apparently) live outside of an active election cycle. Third, no one is saying "every Trump supporter is a racist." What many people are saying is that Trump

I have so much trouble telling the accents apart, but I could swear you were Australian.

So Ted Cruz is actually from Michigan…?

I stared into her eyes while she shouted from a television once and I thought the exact same thing.

Their market includes a healthy swathe of men who think feminism is a mental illness. These ladies and the people who hire them know that a little sexual objectification goes a long way.

There are some pretty good Punisher one shots. Punisher: The End is still probably the highest and best use of the character I've ever read. Born is also pretty good. The first Ennis run is good dark humor. The second run is kind of a drag to me, but a lot of people liked it. He's a tough character to make work

The difference being that Trump is actually a fascist. Pence is not a fascist, by the way, nor are most of the other major Republican leaders. Trump is not ideologically of a feather with mainstream Republicanism, however. Because Trump is a fascist.

Hotline Miami is straight fire. I cannot recommend it enough.

I'm nearly positive that Carrie would have made the same joke, and that Debbie would have laughed at it.