B. Acre

The fact that he wanted to abolish it (and couldn't even remember its name) is really secondary to me to the fact that he neither he nor Donald Trump seems to have any idea what it is. The Department of Energy could basically be called The Atomic Energy Department and still be fairly aptly named. You could also call

Your boy is literally stacking his cabinet with campaign donors who paid to play. The only way he's following the money is by checking the return addresses on the checks he's cashed so he knows where to send their letters of appointment.

When the header image loaded I briefly thought that Will Arnett was going to play Orm. Obviously, that lead immediately to a deep sense of disappointment that we're never going to see Bormjack Waterman.

VORA? Different than VORP or just another way of abbreviating?

I criticized the article when it came out, but in the intervening time I've kind of come to see a way it could be sort of true.

Imagine if there were some kind of correlation between being a combat veteran and seeing war as an unpredictable horror of marginal utility suitable only when every other possible strategy has failed.

Interesting—if that's the case, then the second part of my earlier comment is wrong. Obviously it's hard to say that any depiction of a dwarf (other than depictions of actual, achondroplasia dwarves like Tyrion Lannister) is not influenced by Tolkein, but that's very different than saying that Tolkein's works

Tolkein's stated cultural inspiration for Dwarvish culture was actually the Jews. It's all there, and well-intentioned, if offensive to modern eyes. They're short, keep large beards (like the orthodox), were exiled from their homeland and long to return, are an "old race," have a weakness for gold and riches and are

Man, the kerning on that sunglasses panel.

You are adorable.

It's a knack you have to develop. Once it clicks, you can do suddenly do it 9 times out of 10 (takes longer to get to 10/10). One thing that helped me was to realize that most of the motion is front to back, with only a fairly subtle "scooping" motion to make the contents arc back into the pan.

You realize that, depending on the pan and the volume of eggs and the amount of other liquid that you've added to the eggs and the ambient temperature and so on, the very second you pour your eggs into your carefully measured pan, you're going to radically change the temperature? And the rate at which the pan and

Pan-flipping is for an omelette. Not that there's anything wrong with making yourself omelettes, but it's not what most people think of as scrambled eggs.

TV chefs are trying to sell you shit. Ovens have precise temperatures and built-in thermometers because baking is much less forgiving than virtually all other cooking. You absolutely do not need to use a thermometer to cook eggs. In fact, given the variance in cookware, the short cooking time, the relative lack of

This is an amazing burn. It's like a suicide bombing.

Best live-action version, maybe, but Hamill's BTAS Joker is still the gold standard.

Okay, it looks like we actually mostly agree on a lot of things. I'm more worried about long-term effects of Shelby County v. Holder than you appear to be, and I'm skeptical of the value of Bernie voters as a source of funds (though I agree that they're essential as a source of volunteers/candidates/etc…). What do

Does that academic world of strategy have any answers for how the Democratic Party makes up its utterly massive deficit in state-level government? Builds its bench beyond a few high-recognition, but frankly unimpressive young names? Counteracts decades of concerted propaganda efforts to demonize the very word

I don't really understand your point of view.

Yes and no. There is some hacking that involves figuring out weaknesses in software or hardware and exploiting those to gain unauthorized access to a network or machine. I'm not sure how much hacking that is actually done is in that vein, but way, way back in the day you would hear about things like being able to