B. Acre

You're not supposed to say it out loud because it originated on the internet as a written meme. It's intentionally stupid. People in online games complained about "hackers," which turned into people complaining about "hacks" which was then mangled into "hax" which then circled back around to "haxors" which turned

Jesus is MegaTokyo still a thing? Are there still people out there sending each other the Set Us Up the Bomb video?

Uh, no. If we die, we die. The earth will be fine. The worst thing that we could do, I guess, is render the earth sterile and devoid of any life. That's probably not within our power, even if we tried. There are organisms living around volcanic vents deep under the ocean. Life will almost certainly persist

That's not the realization people need to come to. The realization people need to come to is that earth is a ball of silicate, iron and nickle that will continue to spin in its orbit around a giant thermonuclear explosion hurtling around a black hole with billions of other ongoing thermonuclear explosions whether we

Our president-elect is a reality TV star. Politics is now pop culture.

That would rob the show of a lot of its logic. Why would the hosts be prohibited from hurting guests, if the whole thing was a computer game? Why bother with simulating an "outside world" for the hosts to escape to, necessitating the explosives in their necks? Why simulate the human staff to refurbish and repair

He knew Ford would be back up and about. Maeve was programmed to go to the place where Ford made Arnold shoot himself, and Ford probably arranged for Arnold to bring him to that place. Ford was in complete control with Arnold the whole time, as evidenced by his control over Clementine.

No, it's just a tip of the hat to the inspiration. T-35 years is Arnold's massacre at Escalante, culminating in his suicide-by-Dolores. T-30 years is William's first visit to the park and Dolores's first(?) major breakthrough. T-0 years is Ford's liberation of (some of) the hosts and suicide-by-Dolores.

I do not follow you. 2008 was a good year, because Obama and a Democratic Congress came into office and prevented the financial crisis from turning into a global great depression. He hasn't been able to get a ton accomplished, but Obama has been a generally good President. The fact that he has been followed by

"We lost, but it was close," is cold comfort when the Republican Party literally runs a guy who talks about Muslim registration, wars of extortion, abandoning NATO, mass deportation and political culls of the military as actual policy proposals while simultaneously saying things that should give any non-fascist pause

I don't take much comfort in these numbers. The story of the election, to my eyes, is that the Republican Party has figured out how to control government from the minority position. Their long investment in winning at the state and local level, and in propagandizing against the Democratic Party, has resulted in a

Please recall that September 11—or, at the very least, the hideously botched response to September 11—began with the 2000 election. Just because we didn't reap the whirlwind immediately doesn't mean we didn't sow the wind a year prior. If we get out of the 20-teens without a major calamity or human rights nightmare,

This is like asking why a death sentence should ruin the time you have until execution, when you'll be dead for so much longer.

My character is an alcoholic with a gambling addiction that is killing his family. This is a LARP, right?


I still remember this joke from like 1991. Bill Hicks?

Every time Dolores sees herself, that's a flashback or, more accurately, Dolores the robot re-experiencing a stored memory. So Logan cutting her open is definitely T-30, but Dolores facedown in the river is ambiguous, because it could have happened during any prior loop. Remember, every time she wakes up and walks

Alt-left is not a thing. What is wrong with you people.

Each show is graded on its own curve. You have to judge each by its own standards and merits, because there's no accounting for taste. Some people like TWD and every episode is an A or a B, and some people think it's utter garbage and every episode is a D or an F.

Okay, I assume we'll get an answer to this next season, but I would point out that most people seem to have read the scene the same way I did.