B. Acre

I really hope they don't go that route. One or two surprise Hosts is a twist. Scores of surprise Hosts is laziness.

Elsewhere in the comments, someone speculated that MiB's epiphany with Maeve was that true pain and trauma can make the Hosts break out of their loops. It's possible that MiB was intentionally doing his worst to Delores—killing her love and her family in front of her and then brutalizing her—in an effort to knock her

I thought the game genre was about a 25/75 blend of GTA/MMO. The random mayhem the guests are able to unleash at will, with virtually no repercussions, reads very GTA to me. The loops and the fetch quests and the closed-loop world with overlapping stories designed to be explored semi-non-linearly by players who

I'm not sure why the aliens ruin 10 Cloverfield Lane? Isn't it a more interesting film if the antagonist is actually right about something, but still wrong about everything that matters?

Agree with all that—evangelicalism used to be a largely progressive phenomenon in America. It's in the mid-20th century where you get a massive realignment of the evangelicals, along with many other groups. My thesis is that it's hard to characterize the shift in "right/left" terms, because it's really evangelicals

I've started to think that the origin of this blind spot in the American electorate is our down-playing of the Civil War and, specifically, its aftermath. We teach our kids in school that there was a war, both sides were sad about it, but the North won and ended slavery and things were better. There's even a dose of

Speaking of bad branding, the Redwynes specialize in white wines?

I thought you were talking about the global war sim part where you shove like three kinds of units around the globe and I guess it's kind of cool that it's a spherical map but it's also disturbingly close to an Armor Games web game in quality and how much was this on launch? Jesus. Oh great, now that's over and it's

He actually spent a lot of time in Boston as a working comedian, so you're all not that far off.

You forgot the middle bit where you play the world's absolute worst RTS while sticking wack ass shit to your freaky looking critter because dumb looking masks and clothing that doesn't conform to your species' morphology is how you get bonuses (or something??) in the early civilized era.

Trump is a potential black swan. That's what's scary about him. If Pence were President, he would make a lot of policy decisions I would disagree with, and Congressional Republicans would ram through a bunch of judges and legislation I would hate. Pence would almost certainly be worse for the gay community as

Do you have exit polls showing a Clinton victory in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida or North Carolina? Or any serious deviation from official count in any state? I'm about as anti-Trump as you can get, but it does us no good to embrace propaganda. On the other hand, if this is substantiated, we should be

Are you joking and I'm missing the sarcasm or are you retarded?

A social conservative who supports gay conversion therapy decides to take in a musical on broadway and gets booed, and that's somehow worse than a sitting Congressperson shouting out that the President is a liar at the State of the Union. Okay.

Is that what I wrote? Or is what I wrote "Thinking like that is why we have Trump"? As in, your blanket assertions that the sides are equivalent represent an utter disconnect with reality, and are the reason that Trump was an even possible candidate. The man is literally proposing a federal registry of a religious

This is just baffling. This is how separated from reality you are. I ask you to point out where in the 3 short internet comments I've posted I did a thing that you accused me of doing, and you can't do it. This is how we get people like Trump in power.

Really? Where did I do that?

Really? Good thing we didn't have the internet in the sedate old days of the 2000, 2004, 2008 or 2012 elections.

You're thinking of True Detective Season 2.

People have been saying that for a long time: it's futile to even try to help the industrial heartland. I'm not sure that's true, as a factual matter. What might very well be true is that it is uneconomical to help the heartland, and we will reduce global productivity and raise prices of certain goods domestically.