B. Acre

Deeply disappointed that no one answered "Who is your mom?"

I'm not sure this is correct as a factual matter, but it's certainly my view as well. Democratic elites embraced globalization because it jibed with their social views—they had these idiotic "end of history" ideas about a world where trade was an unmitigated good and economic activity was all that mattered and yeah,

I'm 33, and if you think you've seen this before, I think you're not paying attention.

Super insightful, I am awed at your wisdom and objectivity.

Democrats weakness in off-cycle years is a huge part of the issue here, as is their abysmal showing in state-level elections. The party has a non-trivial national majority, but gets fucked worse every 10 years on district lines. Nothing will change in Congress until Democrats get into a defensible state-level

I'd love to believe that's true, but no one I know in the field believes it. They think she'll come in under 300 with a weak downticket effect. I've tried to argue that her GOTV effort and general superiority in ground game should push her higher than that, and lengthen her coat tails, but the reaction I get ranges

No, not really. I guess we had a couple of elections like that in the '90s, but 2000-2016 has been all incredibly consequential and increasingly bitterly-fought elections, starting with a 2000 election that took until the middle of December to resolve against a backdrop of flagrant election rigging in Florida and

Yeah, but correlation is not causation. Just because Thatcher and Reagan sparked something in the music scene does not mean that terrible, repressive, atavistic regimes generally tend to foster great music.

I disagree. Donald Trump is stupid. He's ignorant, undisciplined, incurious, afactual and dishonest with himself as much as with others. What Donald Trump has is viciousness and the good fortune to have been born rich and white. The real politik geniuses behind the Republican Party thoroughly embraced the

How do you feel about the musical output of 2000-2008 as compared to 1992-2000?

So wait, your theory is that (one of?) the youngest World Series teams of all time won't win another two rings in our lifetime? I mean, if you were a Cards fan, I could at least get the cockiness.


Unable to count to 3. Cardinals fan confirmed.

In honor of their passing, I'm going to retell my favorite one last time.

That's how public indecency and sexual assault charges happen.

Some forms of grain feed, like alfalfa, cause cows to produce less methane than grass or hay. Anything is better than corn, though.

Try to call you an asshole again? I think I kind of nailed it the first time.

You know, there are so many assholes in the world that I don't think you really count as a minority. Definitely not a minority on the internet.

Steak is bad, suck on a sugar stick to truly appreciate a culinary marvel.

I hear you. And just to give the other side a voice, in articles mentioning vegetarianism I'd like us all to ponder its links to imperialism, classism and genocide. I'm not saying all vegetarians mean to support those things, but it's undeniable that vegetarianism is incompatible with virtually all cultural