B. Acre

Space is something that we actually have a lot more of than most people realize. The waste is often recycled. No doubt livestock produce a significant amount of greenhouse gasses, but so do modern farming techniques. Most modern fertilizers break down into nitrous oxide, which is, like methane, is a powerful

There are environmental issues with essentially all mass farming. I don't doubt that, on balance, factory farmed meat is among the worst things, if for no other reason than that it takes feed as an input, but this idea that vegetarian and vegan diets are universally better for the environment is kind of horseshit.

"Longtime Vegetarian Frustrated by Lack of Options at Ribs Festival" could be an Onion headline. Just saying.

I don't know why no one's taking you seriously. Obviously, and statistically, the likely answer is he did their moms.

To be fair, I'll probably continue blaming George W. Bush for things for much longer than 20 years. After all, I still blame Reagan for lots of things, like the destruction of meaningful antitrust enforcement, the destruction of the fairness doctrine, a ballooning national debt, selling weapons to Iran and Iraq,

Drowning his sorrows with Dick Fuld.

The doubts pile up. "The city burns to the ground"? No "AGAIN!"? For a Cardinals fan, I can't say that you seem to be doing this thing The Cardinal Way.

Half is a river, a quarter is already physically fenced, a significant portion of the remainder is "virtually fenced," which is to say we have surveillance there. Much the remainder is brutally inhospitable, like the Sonoran Desert, which is why of the migrants we still have, thousands die every year in the crossing,

The film career of Lars von Trier strongly suggests to the contrary.

You're thinking of Eric Trump.

Possible, but the sticks is working lately.

You think that someone elaborating on Watergate as being more than "stealing the opposing campaign's intelligence" by pointing out that it was also about malum in se criminality like burglary and (disturbingly probably) attempted murder orchestrated from within the White House is from Breitbart?

It was Fahrenheit 9/11, which isn't surprising, given Gibson's fondness for conspiracy. I'm fairly sure his dim view of the Iraq War is linked to the prevalence of Jews in the neoconservative movement (hence "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"). He's not a party-line Republican, but he's definitely

On what basis? He's a schismatic sedevacantist Catholic who has railed against a global Jewish conspiracy. In the '90s he claimed that Clinton was a puppet and that the Rhodes Scholarship was a New World Order/Marxist conspiracy.

Especially weird given what Mel Gibson turned out to be in real life.

The best, everyone says so.

This can only mean that Gendry pulls the wall down this season. What else would you do with the epic lats he must have developed rowing for the last three years?

I don't know, I and many other consumers are able to buy lots of goods from lots of sellers on, say, Amazon, while paying only a minor tariff for the privilege of doing so. It's completely possible for a marketplace to exist that both allows for numerous buyers and sellers and does not extract monopolistic rents, the

Okay, but you're literally arguing that a monopolistic middleman is better for a market than an atomized market of many competing buyers and sellers.