B. Acre

His question was generic? It was specifically about how the candidates were going to deal with the decline of the coal industry (which employs him). Are you confusing him with America's Recess Monitor who tried to get the candidates to stop being such meanyheads for just one dang minute? Because that guy was a

Uh, if you skim through his AMA, or listen to the question he asked on national TV, I'd say you could pretty easily guess who he is actually going to vote for.

He's a nice guy who is giving 10% of his fame-related earnings to a homeless shelter. Congratulations on painting him like some kind of trenchcoat-wearing sexual predator rapist.

Oh yeah, she's definitely doing politics for the money. Because that makes sense.


The obstacles the police faced truly knew no limits.

Holy shit

Jessica Jones actually also Hell's Kitchen, if I remember right.

Is this really a black/white thing? I shave with a safety razor instead of those cartridge monstrosities in no small part because of razor bumps, and I still get them on a pretty regular basis. I've also heard the straight razor advice, though I continue to struggle with both (a) the fact that it seems like bullshit

How do you lose track of a 400 lbs ten-year-old? This is not the kind of organizational chops I expect from the party of the future and final President for Life.

It is implausible to deny that you are barely human dumpster scum.

The one with a folder labeled "Pay to Play"? It's as real as the existence of anonymous internet posters with 88 in their handles who are not both closet nazis and out and proud pieces of garbage.

It's way more pronounced than you're expecting. We think Michael Caine sounds dignified, refined and polished.

Yeah, suckers that they are, HBO just sells access to their shows directly instead of giving them away for free over the public airwaves and then indirectly charging through advertising.

Okay, initial impressions: this is a lot less kinetic and fun than Diablo II.

No personal experience with them as ratters, but doesn't surprise me at all. They're not technically terriers, but they were bred very similarly. Great dogs, too.

At that rate you might as well start doing Rippetoes. GOMAD and GETBIG and all that.

If you're looking for an animal solution, terriers are the best ratters. Any of the older working breeds (or Jack Russells) will make short work of rats—anything that's been bred to fit in a purse is not going to work. Dachsunds are hit or miss.

I had no idea—I always make my dough with cream cheese, and I thought everyone else did too.