B. Acre

What are the two ways? I only know one way to make hamentaschen.

I respect the effort, but you're not going to find sunlight here. Both Jewish and Italian families have long suffering mothers passive-aggressively lorded over by mothers-in-law who may or may not still speak with an accent and lapse into the mother tongue and who forcefeed their children coldcuts and guilt.

Very good point on the turkey. I can appreciate a decent smoked turkey sandwich, but it is an inherently inferior deli meat.

Yeah, Jewish delis focus less on desserts, although you can still get some pretty great danishes, macarons, black & whites and so on. There's a place near me that also does year-round hamentaschen and sufganiyot, which are objectively amazing sweets. Jewish bakeries are where it's at for sweets, though.

If a friend has the expansion and plays the new class, can we still play through the first 4 acts together?

Is the expansion strictly necessary? I wasn't looking to shell out $40 for a 4-year-old game.

Do I need to buy the expansion? I bought the $20 basic game—did they trick me?

They're very different, though there has been some cross-pollination. If you can get bagels at your delis, that's an example of the Italians picking up a Jewish deli staple. If I had to pick some highlights, Jewish delis typically have a lot more pickled and fried stuff—good sauerkraut, coleslaw, schnitzel, latkes

I'm going to be trying Diablo III for the first time this weekend. I loved Diablo and Diablo II, but I didn't pick up D3 due to a much more limited gaming window (as compared to the early '00s) and generally lukewarm to negative reviews. Any suggestions for a late arrival?

I wish we were still rife with Jewish delis :( Goodnight sweet prince.

As someone with an education would be able to tell by my name, no, absolutely no higher education of any description. I just live out here in West Virginia on my farm Black Acre, right next to White Acre, which is owned by my neighbor Percival or Penny or Paul or something (it's been sold a bunch of times, but the

I mean, this is Rudy Guede. http://www.injusticeinperug…. I've never done forensics, but I would think that hair would pretty quickly suggest that a black person had been in the room. And the man-sized handprint on the pillow underneath Kercher, among other things, would suggest that it was a man.

Obviously "Oxford scholar" David Cameron thought it was a pretty dumb thing to leave, seeing as he resigned from Parliament over it. But I'm sorry, I've derailed you from lecturing us benighted yokels about how the titty magazines posing as newspapers that you read convinced you with rhyming nicknames that Amanda

Sorry your appeal to authority can't cover up the fact that the beastialist that you elected resigned in disgrace after accidentally pulling the country out of the EU. How'd that happen again? Didn't someone call a referendum on it? If only that person had the benefit of an Oxbridge education and had achieved

Police eventually managed to draw a connection between the bloody handprint at the scene of the crime and the guy who had obviously fucking killed Kercher. It was remarkable detective work—all they had going for them was a wealth of physical evidence and testimony tying the deceased to the murderer who was,

Oooh, a fancy British degree. He must be the first politically connected rich kid to have earned one of those. I can only imagine how the U.K. must have flourished under his stewardship. What's that? Annual GDP growth never touched 1%, the country nearly broke apart and the U.K. seceded from the European Union and

Innuendo and propaganda. Swallowing that kind of nonsense wholesale is exactly what I'd expect from someone who refers to David Cameron as an "Oxford scholar" with a straight face.

Yes, when I look over at the U.K., I think "If only the American government could be lead by such statesmen and scholars" and not "well at least we managed to not vote to secede by accident."

I thought they had recovered hair samples from the scene at that point (that turned out to be from Rudy Guede). I could be wrong, though.

Anything Amanda Knox-related is a good antidote to the American instinct to assume that anyone with an English accent is smarter than they actually are.