B. Acre

They had exchanged text messages. It's likely that the police matched "the black guy in this murderess's text messages" to the physical evidence at the scene that indicated that the killer was black and then coerced her statement.

That's not true. The prosecution also relied on insane conspiracy theories about satanist cults.

Why you just don't get off to the Daily Mail?

They both old as fuck. For me to look at. Not, you know, for the earth.

Yeah, but she was born in 1984, so she's in the same age category as Clinton if Clinton were an actress (aged crone).

Morphine addiction.

He's not called Trumplethinskin for nothing

Keep your bog remedies off me, witch doctor. If ever I feel under the weather I shall avail myself of modern surgery's most sophisticated surgical bloodletting, assuming (against all facts in evidence) that a reasonable dosage of laudanum could not cure what ailed me.

She's clearly suffering from extravasated blood and St. Vitas's dance. Keep your quackery off the internets, sir. Good day.

Nonsense. It took us 144 years to decide how literal he was being with that.

I don't hold your age against you, just your racism and repulsive political views.

Bzzzzzzzzzt. Republicans will bend to the will of a Republican president like dying saplings in a strong wind blowing graft like autumn leaves.

Sorry that your standard for elected officials is "completely totally trustworthy to the point where every statement can be taken at face value or else equivalent to a fascist rotten pumpkin who probably raped his ex-wife and keeps a book of Hitler's speeches next to his bed." I'd say go ahead and trust me and vote

On what possible basis could you think that Trump's bills are going to get blocked in the House? The Republicans control the House and, if Trump wins, are likely to pick up seats (though in reality, Trump is unlikely to win, and the Republicans are unlikely to pick up seats). The only hope for checking Trump at all

You can be, but it's a sign that you're either ignorant or stupid.

Look, another pro-Trump poster who just happens to have 88 in his handle. I had no idea Trump had so many 28-year-old supporters who were also Nazis.

Please specifically identify the "troubling signs of incompetence." I keep hearing about these, but all I ever see is "Benghazi happened and I am completely ignorant of the history and present of U.S. diplomatic efforts" and "she kept a private email server which was IN. EX. CUSABLE."

You know what this fable needs? Some gritty realism and low-key torture.

If they remake The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance I'm probably going to cry from the smoke after I burn a movie theater to the ground.

Let me tell you, they're laughing at us in the North, in the Iron Islands, in the Riverlands. You think that Kevan Lannister is strong enough to lead us? Please, believe me, I know strength. I know strength. People say to me all the time, Cersei, you're so strong, you're the strongest regent the realm has ever