B. Acre

"Believe me" is the credibility equivalent of "no disrespect."

Not having yet finished Parks & Rec, I believe it can be improved upon, because I have not yet seen an episode where Zach Braff and Tom Cavanagh play Jean-Ralphio's older brothers and Schwartz and Cavanagh torment their middle brother mercilessly.

"You smoke too much weed and/or drink too much alcohol to be around the kids" seems pretty common to me, honestly.

You misspelled Jurj Clooners.


Mullally seems like the type to take "til death do us part" literally. In that the marriage will end with her sawing Offerman up in his woodshop.

Mostly red and charred brown at this point. Parts of it though, those are on fire.

That's not true. Harambe is everywhere in NMS.

Let's all take a few hours to watch Bojack Horseman Season 3 again and meditate on this.

Is drugs really a level of soundness?

I will never forget Derek Smart. I actually bought that piece of shit.

Is this an FTL lovefest? Because I'm always in for an FTL lovefest.

I mean, the easter egg in Excel wasn't that far off.

It does seem to be kind of reminiscent of Black & White, though the gold standard in overhype will forever be Derek Smart Presents Derek Smart's Battlecruiser Millenium by Derek Smart

Can you (or someone) explain to me the excitement about procedural generation? Every time I walked out of town in Diablo or Diablo II, I was looking at a landscape no other player had viewed before, in what seems to me to be the exact same way. Procedurally generated, some fixed landmarks, critters based off a

Sight unseen, $20 is the right pricepoint. I'd consider buying this game for $20. $60 is comedy.

Be serious here, it's going to be "What the hell is a Dicksoutforharambe?"

Oh, the American Thinker, totally credible source that doesn't make you look like an AM radio wingnut. After all, only left-wing rags like the Wall Street Journal find the connection between immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, and violent crime not only non-existent but inverse.