B. Acre

It's not, though. The last eight years should really have disabused everyone of that notion. And this is coming from someone who thinks that economic issues, and particularly distributional issues, are of paramount importance.

Tony used to carry them around in a slim briefcase in the '70s, so they can be pretty small. But only if you use transistors to make the suit work! (As a former avid reader of Iron Man, including the back catalog out of the long boxes, I still cannot believe it is the foundation of a billion dollar movie franchise.)

Is this storyline over? How can you judge whether a storyline is earned until you've read it?

It's an eerie recreation of literally every newswire about developments in comics. Like when everyone got bent out of shape that THE HULK IS KOREAN NOW BOOOOOOO apparently completely unaware that Amadeus Cho has been a Hulk fixture for like a goddamn decade and is more accurately described as RICK JONES IS AND HAS

One of two named soldiers in Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico. The other? Lucius Vorenus. Not joking.

Wait, the ghost of Eazy E is English?

We get it Actors, you're too good for Game of Thrones. You save your art for ineffable works of human emotion like Pixels, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and X-Men 2, unless these crass purveyors of tits and dragons can meet your princely demands.

My impression at this point in the season (haven't watched the rest yet) is that Piscatella is just kind of out of his element in a minimum security prison. He's used to dealing with max conditions and max inmates, where his level of intensity is, if not more helpful, at least reciprocated and countervailed by the

There were actually a few murders at screenings of the Warriors, though the legend has definitely grown out of proportion to the actual reception:…

It's easy to be nostalgic until you read about the kids pissing on the cast and crew while they were trying to film and think to yourself "Oh yeah, fuck that."

Really? They sell Warriors t-shirts at the boardwalk. They are fantastic.

I'm still upset that Scott Adams never thanked Farnon for making the only funny Dilbert strips ever.

Don't die yet. Hollywood is running out of ideas so completely that we're surely less than a decade away from a big budget, tent-pole animated feature adaptation of Leisure Town.

I guess CEOs could do that, but it wouldn't really be in the Purge spirit. All these holidays get so quickly commercialized, though, it'd probably just be thought of as a holiday about tax fraud and embezzlement instead of giving into the psychopathically violent urges that every one of us fights to suppress every

No, how I would prefer it is that neither rich nor poor could bring guns into New York. How it currently is is that anyone with $500 can get a carry permit as long as they're willing to wait a few months and tell the NYPD that they intend to use their gun for "self defense and target shooting" and that they'll keep

Horseshit. Every civilized country on earth has gun control to greater or lesser degree, including the U.S. (notably to lesser degree), and there are nations right now where mass murder is virtually unknown because of lack of access to firearms.

Running is "statistically far less efficient at preventing harm" [source required].

What relevance does that have? As I've already responded to the other wingnut, anyone can get a gun in New York. The fact that rich hobbyists can get NFA-registered weapons (which, by the way, not-so-rich hobbyists can also get) doesn't have any relevance to the discussion at all. The rich are not, and pose no

You are delusional. Gun control is a public safety law that infringes personal liberty in the pursuit of public safety, and only the most rigid and unrealistic ideologue takes a hard line against it. I would much rather no one have a gun around me—or at least no private citizens have guns around me—than own a gun

By contrast, I keep waiting for a Great job, Internet! where someone has animated and voiced Jerk City.