B. Acre

I'm actually pretty impressed with the nose, but the hair is weird from all angles.

What in heaven's name are you talking about? There is no rich person exclusion for gun ownership laws in New York. Rich and poor alike rely on a well-funded public police force which, while imperfect, has succeeded in making New York City one of the safest major cities in the entire country.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Run, call for help, use your own hands and feet, use pepper spray or a taser or a knife or another piece of incidentally non- or less-lethal technology that isn't going to result in discharging a firearm in the mostly densely populated city in America.

You're thinking of Richard Gere.

Doesn't make it not fun.

There are some zines and public access shows from the '90s that would like a word with you about "the best [a] generation is capable of producing." I'm too old for Vine, but the idea that young people are producing notably worse content than The Olds did is laughable.

No one in the U.S. talks about soccer in Europe. None of their daughters play in Europe.

Debit where debit is due: we actually did elect him after we had four years' proof of what a tumbling godawful disaster he was.

Honestly googled this to see if it was real.

On most Sandra Oh In Garish 90s Work Attire scales, no.

That sounds a little hard to relate to. Can one of them have blue eyes to make her more relatable?

Every once in a while I worry that the internet isn't as weird as it used to be. While that's probably true on average, I am comforted by the existence of sketches of Disney Princesses reimagined as cats reimagined as sharks. Well done, internet, well done.

That issue (and run) was amazing.

I'm not sure how widespread the knowledge is that Ned Stark went to the Tower of Joy to find Lyanna is. I'm also pretty sure he didn't come back from the Tower of Joy with a baby—I don't remember if Howland Reed brought him his "bastard" or if they managed it some other way, but one assumes that some amount of

I sometimes feel like I am alone on the internet in thinking of torture, and particularly long-term, intentionally sadistic torture, as a Bad Thing. I was unable to watch 24 for this reason. The idea that the protagonist finds an excuse to torture someone virtually every hour repulsed me on a moral level even more

You can kind of figure it out in Book 1.

Including setting up a zombie raperoom for a nun and blowing up hundreds of people and the seat of the realm's primary religion? Cersei went full Emperor Palpatine this episode.

TV-Sansa has been allowed to evolve past Book-Sansa. I have some issues with the adaptation—giving Sansa to Ramsay strikes me as a particularly poor choice—but the general arc of the characters seems to be the same. It is really hard to figure out what she wants, though. Has she caught Littlefinger's ambition?