B. Acre

There really should be some kind of warning in schools "If you learn this, you will no longer be able to watch shows featuring [SUBJECT MATTER], which comprised [ ]% of all TV (and [ ]% of prestige dramas) on average over the last 10 years."

I loved that they made the main "we Irish the once and future kings of Hells Kitchen" guy such a schmuck. The real Irish criminal who showed up was such a great contrast: no sentimentality, even with much better reason to be, no bullshit tribalism, even though he was real Irish, and all about his money.

It's like I'm gazing straight into the fist of this pun thread.

He wasn't really inconvenienced by their getaway. If Daredevil hadn't stepped in, he would have plunked his target, outside the hospital. There's no real explanation for it, because the plotting doesn't come off like a thought-through plan so much as supernatural ability to be where he needs to be when he needs to

Totally agree. I'm really hoping that Elektra sticks around for another season or 2 so they can introduce Bullseye and do something like the Miller arc. Along with Kingpin, Bullseye is the closest thing Daredevil has to a main antagonist.

I mean, it's still pretty early days Daredevil. But you're right: canonically DD dominates Punisher hand-to-hand.

It'll happen, but it's still a jerk thing to do. I've watched 8 episodes so far, but it's actually a rare thing for me to be able to do (I usually average only a couple of hours of TV a week, due to work/personal obligations), so when the only option is the binge reviews I wind up maybe chatting with some latecomers

The worst part of it is (VERY MILD SPOILER) they do the "heatwave breaks with a storm" thing that was done so very well in The Dark Knight Returns, and they just completely flub it. It doesn't have any of the resonance that the image should have.

Having recently eaten corned beef and cabbage, it's not as though it made the food any worse.

The failure to sell the heatwave is pretty disappointing. It's one of the easiest "set the scene" tricks in film, and it's been done so well so many times before. Slow shots of glasses of icewater heavily beaded, people on the street wiping their foreheads, sweat rings on clothing, extras told to slump and remain as

I think he wouldn't be as exciting, because when we see him we ascribe to him levels of depth and ability that we would not to a random villain of the month. If you just introduced a guy and had him do Punisher-level stuff, it would seem ridiculous, because you'd ask "Why isn't this grade-A badass a major feature of

It's the writing. Both Foggy and Karen are saddled with an almost Whedon-esque patois. The actors deliver their lines with strikingly similar intonations, beats, body language and so on, and it makes them kind of tiresome to watch. The problem is half script and half performance, but the performance probably would

Do you think there are some anti-democratic or even, gasp, fascist implications to a tiny group of literal ubermensch banding together to "take care of" the world from a cold, fully-automated, monumentalist fortress on the moon? Maybe there's a story there!

I don't think it's all that complicating—the characters drift over time, but attempted radical reworks rarely leave lasting impacts. They're almost always viewed as deviations from some "real" version of the character. The exceptions are things like Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, or Claremont's X-Men. For

I'm not sure what you're apologizing to me for—I thought WASP-y was an odd choice of description for the show. Also, just to keep things in one thread, I was making a joke about boating being WASP-y. Though, honestly, as someone who has done a fair amount of sailing and boating, it really is pretty WASP-y.

That's how I've always viewed it, too. I mean, I guess it's actually canon that the zombie virus is ubiquitous, and there's a steady stream of people dropping dead all the time of natural causes, so you'd have simultaneous "outbreaks" all over the world, but I just don't buy that it spreads so quickly from the ill

I thought the remake of Dawn of the Dead did a pretty good job. But yeah, any zombie plague that isn't also an airborne zombie plague is pretty difficult to take seriously.

Gotcha, I guess I have stronger associations with the term WASP than most people. It's not a term for generic white people to me, because it has class and cultural connotations.

It's an honest question. I'm not offended, it's just that WASP is a pretty specific thing at this point, and I don't really associate FTWD with WASP stuff. Though I guess they're on a boat now, which is pretty WASP-y.

As a lawyer, the law-related stuff in this show is painful. I'm talking sub-Law & Order levels of painful (as in worse than (which is really, really bad)). The DA pulled strings to get the case heard quickly? Are you kidding me? You want to attack the DA, herself? The DA is personally trying a case instead of