B. Acre

Are you German? You seem German.

No, Punisher canonically was a Marine in Vietnam before returning to be an NYPD police officer (or maybe detective? I forget his rank). America's most recent military misadventures have given new writers a way to sidestep the problem that Vietnam veterans today are older than WWII veterans were when Punisher was

What about the show reads WASP to you?

The former. I remain convinced that the closest analogue for the Marvel/DC heroes—particularly the major ones—is Greek and Roman myth. You can pick endless examples of how the power, personality and even backstory of this or that god or legendary figure changes from myth to myth. The Achilles in the Odyssey isn't

I have never heard that. This sounds like an appropriation of the Kill Bill Superman theory: that Clark Kent is Superman's critique of humanity. Superman was born Superman, wakes up Superman, flies around Superman, but pretends to be Clark Kent when he's around people so that he won't be noticed. Batman is a story

Seriously, no. It's the white collar version of wearing a flag lapel pin in Washington: everyone does it, and when you put it on you consider whether it would attract comment if you went without, but at the end of the day no one actually cares at all. LinkedIn exists mostly to sell the information that, courtesy of

You're thinking of the Sacred Band of Thebes, which was composed entirely of men who had homosexual relationships with each other, on the theory that men would fight hardest to defend those they (literally) loved. The Sacred Band of Thebes was badass, but postdates Thermoplyae by something like 200 years.

"Quaaludes are the ultimate aphrodisiac."
—Actually Bill Cosby

I get paid for this I don't know about you. Seem to be plenty of us out here buying Jaguars and making $829839 dollars a week.

Your failures are your own, old joke.

Yeah, but people will get on stage for free. No one does sound or lighting for the exposure.

Unless someone hit the button and said "get a downvote," you're going to be here for an eternity in Meeseeks time.

Have you guys seen Winter's Bone? She's beautiful, but it didn't take me out of the setting at all.

Really? I thought that both handled it pretty well. The propaganda figure turned out not to matter, in the end, and the "good fight" that she thought she was fighting turned out to be another in the endless series of ruthless strongmen (or strongwomen, in this case) seizing power through violence. The rebels were no

A garden path sentence is one where the true meaning becomes apparent only after you get to the end. "The old man the boat." That sort of thing. It happens when a pivotal word can be two things, like man (which can be a noun or verb), and the ambiguity is not resolved until a few words later in the sentence.

That's a minor capitalization error away from a real whipsaw of a garden path sentence.

Seriously, early '00s nostalgia is like early '70s nostalgia. Hey, I really miss when we elected a war criminal and really bombed the shit out of some poor people in the third world and also the economy kind of took a dump and then it looked like it got better but BOY DID IT NOT and then the bottom really fell out

Okay, I care less about that, but I'm still kind of baffled how any of these 33-year-old women who all started starring in major movies within a couple of years of each other are the "new" each other.

That's a myth, but it does cause castration with a flint sickle in 100% of known cases.

They're the same age, Hathaway's career started a couple of years earlier, and when they did a movie together Hathaway was the main character and Blunt was a supporting player. How is Hathaway "Blunt 2.0" in any sense?