B. Acre

No, she's like a next generation (upgraded) Liv Tyler. This is science, don't try to argue.

Why was everything in the '80s so poorly lit?

Disagree: DLC for a game like Mass Effect should be new new, not additional story integral to the original story. Either the new DLC mucks up the story by adding distracting blubber (at best) or the story feels (and is) incomplete without the DLC. I actually stopped playing ME2 after buying a bunch of its DLC (but

I keep trying to find a Dynasty Warriors that lives up to what I remember from ten or fifteen years ago (or however long it's been). The later entries I've played have lacked the rhythm of their predecessors, while adding only nominally improved graphics and retaining an abysmal AI and draw distance. They've got a

The DoA fighters were good enough that it was kind of a bummer they were so embarrassingly fan-servicey (though, in the context of the late '90s and early '00s fighting game scene, they weren't actually that out there, for what that's worth).

Today I learned that there are people out there who don't love the wheels off of EVO: Search for Eden. Today I learned to hate.

How is League of Legends not on here?

Dead bodies are compelling evidence for the state. Non-cooperating victims of sexual assault are compelling evidence for the defense.

Neither: Dr. Luke appears to be moderately successful at his vocation.

It is up to the state, but state actions essentially begin with a civilian making a report to the government. Usually this is automatic: the police interview a witness or victim (the "complaining witness"). The police then build a case and submit what they have to their prosecutor's office. If the case is a

Yeah, that'd be okay too, I guess, but alternatively could someone take a giant self-righteous dump on this idea, too, for not being perfect? I'm only really okay with absolute perfect execution or status quo.

Pluralization, please. Zodiacs Motherfucker.

I'm a married 33-year-old with a professional degree, a job and a mortgage, and I think this show is hilarious.

Reported. That word is like the N-word and the C-word had a baby, and that baby was raised by all the bad words for jews.

I actually debate with myself the best way to get people into the show. I feel like the best thing is for a new viewer to watch from front to back, the way I did, but I know people who have been put off by the first episode. Still not settled on it, though, because the continuity and growth is so key to the humor.

Slightly disagree. Show is fully formed by the end of the third episode, but there's noticeable growth in the first three episodes, with a big jump between 1 and 2.


That is a uniquely inappropriate autorepair manual to cite against autosexualism. As everyone knows, the first rule of the AMC Gremlin is "Fuck this car."

Why do you always add that to every hypothetical?

It is kind of the show's fault. We're not used to shows where characters actually change, or where our perception of them is supposed to change. Skylar in season 1, episode 1 is comically obnoxious. That birthday handjob while she's on the internet is clearly meant to make the audience dislike her, as is most of