B. Acre

Don't be ridiculous. The shift that she appears to want has largely already happened, at least as far as protagonists go. Female adversaries are still pretty commonly weirdly sexualized, but I suspect that's also on the way out. No one is going to avoid a good game because the female lead is wearing a cape, just

Yeah, I'll submit my plea soon, but first I need to find all of the bug people in this place and talk to them because I might have to blow it up if this doesn't go my way and then I'll never get it done.

I actually thought about both Mass Effect 1 and 2, because they are basically equal opportunity on the ass front. Or rear. Whatever, you see a lot of butts in skintight spacesuits.

This is true, though there is something kind of disingenuous about focusing on stuff that is largely going away on its own. I haven't played them, but based on reviews and screen shots, recent Tomb Raiders have been pretty good about not making Croft a sex object. Similarly, in 1996, if you had complained about the

That… huh, that is almost exactly true. I never thought of it that way.

Secret Success, I believe is the term.

Not there. Stop hiding things, Beta 7.

Psylocke is like a zen koan for race studies/lit crit people. I mean, it's a character who more or less literally puts on a Japanese body as a costume, but the "re-work" was done, if I'm not mistaken, by Jim Lee, who is actually Asian American. She (post ninjafication) has always made me kind of uncomfortable

This is one of those cases where artist intent goes out the window. They might have intended for Harley to sound like she's from Brooklyn, just like Colleen Wing was supposed to be Japanese in the original run of Iron Fist, but Wing ain't a Japanese name and Harley's voice is Queens to the core. And this isn't just

Huh, Wikipedia says you're right, but that doesn't make any sense. She should be from Gotham, or, if she's not from Gotham, she should be from Flushing or Forest Hills or Bayside. The accent Sorkin did for her in BTAS was 100% Queens (and, specifically, Jewish east side Queens; very different from Brooklyn Jewish,

In The Wolf of Wall Street, Robbie did a Brooklyn accent, but Harley is (supposed to be) all Queens.

Ahem, that is a Queens accent. Or whatever the part of Gotham with all the suburban looking neighborhoods and weirdos is.

We actually saw him Cronenberg a whole planet. He's a walking weapon of mass destruction that goes off almost randomly and without intent. He's also a weapons dealer and a thief. I don't think the Galactic Federation is meant to be "evil," just something that will prevent Rick from being Rick.

I don't see any difference between DC and Marvel on the longboxes thing. No matter how many resets DC goes through, they're still pulling on the same well of old characters and stories that they were pre-reset. It's just that some things have been officially handwaved.

It's more strongly identified with Koreans over here. Numerically, there are probably more white Parks than Korean Parks, but if you live on the coasts, or go to a college where asian students are over-represented relative to the population (or someplace like, say, NASA), odds are good that any Park you meet will be

They have to put out a Great Job Internet every fifteen minutes. I'm sure that they're scraping the bottom of the internet for this stuff. Proof: I've read a fair number of Great Job Internets.

Yeah, I get what you're saying, but there's some of this that's like pornography: you know it when you see it. I don't get the sense that Kimmy Schmidt's writers/directors etc… think that being gay is a gag. The joke isn't that he's gay and look at these gay mannerisms the gays have. The joke is that he's a

But a married couple was reunited. I'm pretty sure that's an accepted variant.

He was a last minute casting substitution. They had originally case Irrfan Khan, but he had a last minute conflict.

Okay, so I left out some complexity. There's also a handicap for race and weight.