B. Acre

Titus isn't that way because he's gay. Titus is that way because he's a crazy dreamer living on the margins of a comically exaggerated New York. I never really watched Will & Grace, but my understanding is that the explanation for MacFarland's behavior was just "that's how the gays are."

Off-label uses are not unknown. For example, some alternative-film producers have discovered that hags can also play icy, unpleasant bosses in suitably feminine industries (magazine publishing, fashion).

Have to be 5, actually. Of course, we're both ignoring that show business uses a different calendar for calculating the age of actresses. Rather than our primitive solar calendar, or some kind of over-complicated lunar calendar (looking at you, Judaism), Hollywood uses a sophisticated lifecycle-based calendar to

I know that, but Botoru didn't say that "Drive is inspired by GTA," he said it is GTA. Which it really isn't—GTA is all about open-world roaming and random acts of criminality, where as Drive is incredibly focused and narrowly circumscribed. If A = B, then B = A: Hotline Miami is Drive, therefore Drive is Hotline

Oldboy was better than this, and Audition had a good first half, though it is generally wildly overrated.

Drive really is different in kind from his other movies in that it's actually good. His other movies have good stretches, or good elements, but generally fail to cohere and feel scattered, self-indulgent and in love with fairly juvenile provocation dressed up in arthouse style.

I saw the movie and would grade it about a D+, but I don't have more than a vague memory of that scene. It's hard to overstate how dull and rambling and poorly connected the movie is. It really doesn't tell a story as much as it sets a mood, and that mood is, roughly "slightly disgusted and unhappy".

I don't think that's intentional. If I'm not mistaken, Refn has referred to Valhalla Rising, Drive and Only God Forgives as a trilogy, with One-Eye, the Driver and Chang each being different aspects of the same character. There may be some intentional subversion of audience expectations in casting Gosling back to

For example, even though A.A. Dowd gave it his highest grade of the decade, his review isn't exactly glowing:

No, Drive is Hotline Miami.

Don't be fooled. Drive is masterful. Only God Forgives and Valhalla Rising are (intentionally?) masturbatory.

Is this your shtick? You just paste the entire script of the movie in the comments for its review?

Okay, I've had 9 months to sit with this record. B is criminally underrating it. It's an easy A, even for The Mountain Goats.

Changes in pressure or temperature will change the density of a liquid, holding other factors constant.

Descended? CNN is like the Bane of toothless, out of touch mediocrity. Born to it. Molded by it. It is the afterbirth of a spontaneously propagandist drum beater for the first Iraq War, stumbling on for decades because it is too dumb to die.

Yeah, when I think of hardcore Marvel fans, I think of bros. What?

Getting used by Dr. Doom as the power source for a giant mind control machine doesn't make him less of a D-list villain. If I'm missing the reference, please enlighten me.

Please. Engineering just applies her design principles. Fabrication actually creates the damn things.

Good that we've gotten the important things on the table here. Just two dudes, talkin' dick.

So, I've read what you have to say, and considered it thoroughly. I've got to say, maybe 2/10, I probably wouldn't do you. That's not a racial thing, by the way, it's just an honest assessment of status on Boning The Ghost of Eazy E vel non, ya dig? I mean, you're feisty and seem uninhibited, which I like, but