B. Acre

You seem level-headed and emotionally healthy, and this flurry of responses is a completely reasonable response to my post. You can probably even dial up the amount of time you spend on the internet discussing which actresses you would and would not throw a bone in.

Come on fellow men, responding to a story about a woman with Reports From My Penis is a bad look for all of us. Honestly, your only reaction to this is "yes, I would do sex to that"?


No important ones.

Leisure consumption: is it a waste of money?

Except display a color other than red.

Right, but those are both flight sims, basically. I totally see how it'd be great for those, and have wished for something like it in a lot of similar games. The driving in GTA, for example, would be way easier if you could look around quickly without changing direction. I'm just thinking that it's a pretty limited

That was told in confidence!

Moving your head left to right or up and down is easier for maybe 30 degrees of movement in either direction. Looking 45 degrees left or right is a strain for me, and turning around would require changing the orientation of my body. Up and down is better, but mouse is still easier at the extremes.

Right, but let's say I play with a keyboard and mouse. Turning to look at something is just moving the mouse. Way easier than moving my head around. Maybe someone will come up with some really intuitive way of controlling the whole body ex-the head, but I kind of doubt it.

I would love to do that

In seriousness, is there anything this thing is actually good for other than racing games and other vehicle-based games? Really the only times I can imagine this thing helping to simulate reality is where your character is strapped into something and can't change their orientation, but could get a lot of good out of

People just think that because so many Russian authors committed suicide by jumping off their own manuscripts.

That's if they need to know everything about the Trump campaign.

No way. It's too long, too graphic, too intentional. In spite of how overstuffed they can feel, I don't think QT has a lot of things in his movies that aren't there for a purpose, and that goes double for lengthy monologues.

Isn't everyone's name a reference to a person involved in film? Domergue -> Faith Domergue, Mannix -> Joe Mannix (fictional P.I.), Mexican Bob -> Mexican Bob (True Grit, 1969), Oswaldo Mobray -> Alan Mowbray (itself a stage name; one of the founders of SAG), Joe Gage -> Joe Gage (another stage name). I'm sure I'm


I'm not sure I understand the criticism. I guess I can understand the argument that he's not pushing the boundaries of what film is or what it can accomplish, but rather works largely within established cinematic grammar, but that hardly disqualifies him from being a great director. In fact, I think his last three

The hope is less in the Lincoln letter than it is in the idea of Lincoln. The Civil War is one of the few general consensus "just wars" in history, and Lincoln in particular has a special place in history for both his determination and his compassion. At the end of the movie, the racist, rebel, son-of-a-racial

I don't know if it's intentional but I love the comment/avatar synergy here.