B. Acre

More like Hugh Jackedman. MCU is a helluva drug. I mean steroids. Steroids are a helluva drug.

Not sure how this cuts, but Bob was changed from French to Mexican relatively late in the process, and the whole "no dogs or Mexicans" thing was thus a late addition to the story. So, on the one hand, it was extraneous in the sense that the story clearly didn't need it (it wasn't tweaked from "no dogs or Frenchmen")

I still don't know what to think about that scene. I agree that it was probably made up—he probably just shot the guy's son in self-defense—but it's just such a strange thing to make up. But Tarantino pulls out the stops to make us imagine it the way that Smithers, mourning the loss of his son and addled with age,

Then what do you make of Roth's speech about the difference between justice (execution) and murder? Why is that in there?

Aw fuck, he didn't close the door. You gotta nail it shut. NO, two boards. He said you have to use two fuckin boards god damn it's cold. etc…

Hateful 8 Spoilers

No way to know unless you watch, but I greatly enjoyed Season 1 and was only a little let down by Season 2. It's highly personal. I appreciated that S2 was completely different than S1, and that concept from jump was an anthology format.

I heard after this he went to the stock market and did a business.

I enjoyed season 2. Keep your expectations in check, and it's still quality prestige television. It's a completely different story, arguably to the point of being a different genre, but it's worthwhile TV.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as Superman is a dick to him for no reason, he can—nay, must—be Jimmy Olsen.

Woah, someone's actually fussed that Jimmy Olsen is black? Jimmy Olsen? The world's least essential character? Really?

Cisco is more of a gadgets and gizmos tech helper than a hacking and info tech helper. Caitlin is the team doctor and general science expositor. I think it works pretty well.

Yeah, we had this boss who was kind of a dick, but we do our own thing now. Mostly hanging around New Mexico, silently menacing George R.R. Martin. We've got our priorities.

Are those wrong? I also read the names that way. How are you supposed to pronounce "Ra's"?

I read a bunch of early X-Factor, and a lot of the Cable stuff (man, it was a struggle with the art a lot of the time), and I honestly still couldn't tell you what Apocalypse's powers or intentions were. I guess I now remember that Cable was tied into the Apocalypse timeline, but I always think of him as coming back

I was talking about Thanos/Dark Seid. Agreed that Apocalypse is his own barrel of fish, but he's not a "cosmic" character. Admittedly, Apocalypse has never made a lot of sense to me—I kind of gave up on the X-Men during the Apocalypse business in the '90s, and haven't bothered to read up on the plot lines I missed.

Every cosmic character is basically a rip-off of Jack Kirby's characters. He did his thing at both Marvel and DC, so each has its originals, but at the end of the day the weird gods aspect of modern comics is all King Kirby.

Terrible title. Everyone knows that Zack Snyder absolutely destroyed Good Taste in part 1. How could Good Taste keep coming back?

Pretty much any of the Avengers would truck Kilgrave in a few minutes. He's a low-level antagonist who was rediscovered by Brian Michael Bendis and used to great effect in a relatively de-powered story. Dr. Doom, for example, shrugged off Kilgrave's power just to show Kilgrave he could do it.

Kilgrave's powers don't really make sense. If he's a virus, and everyone who has met him is infected and just needs to know what he wants them to do, then he should have been able to break out of the sound-proof cell via intercom, or even by writing "help me" on the glass. The rules the show has laid down are that