B. Acre

It's actually even worse than that—taken directly from a self-published book that the author initially distributed for free on his website. Like, the odds that it was pandering versus the odds that it was just an honest speculative-fiction style guess about what the next most useful space agency would be at that

I can see a complaint about Johnny Storm being black from a strictly narrative perspective—he's supposed to be Sue's brother—but I don't see why a five second "he's adopted" explanation doesn't cure that. Beyond that, you've just managed to introduce a little diversity to a superhero team meant to represent the

So your position is that if you don't like an artist, you cannot honestly say that you believe she should be treated with respect for her effort (which clearly has connected with some people, if not you) and her hard work in actually making money as an artist (which is extraordinarily rare and difficult)? Or, even if

Are you agreeing with me? I honestly can't decode whether this is gibberish, gibberish-y satire of an oversensitive internet person or genuine oversensitive outrage.

So your prediction is 50+ years of vicious, internecine beefing, with Drake remaining the much more popular star in the United States but unpopular globally, and subject to occasional attempted boycotts by college kids?

How is that condescending? It's a slightly idiomatic way of saying "I don't like this artist, but I respect that she's sincere about her art and works hard to produce and find an audience for it."

He's more like violence, war or human cruelty. He's definitely immoral, rather than amoral.

Come on, it's a cool trick. It really is.

You're welcome. It's all of our duty to strive for ethics and accuracy in internet posting. FYI, NASA actually has no regs on mutiny—crew members, with the guidance of ground control, use the mutineer however is most efficient for the mission. Since water is so valuable in space, it's usually something like this: ht

Crucifixion would be remarkably ineffective in low- or zero-G.

He's an immigrant who refuses to assimilate to the native culture. His children will be embarrassed by him, and make self-loathing jokes about him to their friends, until they themselves have children and despair that the third generation is so Martian that they have no discernible connection to their roots, in spite

That's not true. He keeps getting older. It's his wife that stays the same age.

You don't see the difference between Al Franken, who worked in show business but had graduated cum laude from Harvard with a degree in government, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, notable primarily for having parlayed being hyyyyyyoooooooooge and ripped into movies where he pretended to murder scores of people?

This all sounds much less destructive than my actual fears of a Trump presidency.

Does the Donald look like someone who'd use those kind of common, cut-rate materials? Only the classiest of material can adorn his buildings or his head.

They'd all get Parkinson's, though. That thing is made of spun Agent Orange, like toxic cotton candy.

Fair point.

That's true, but it's mostly because it wasn't necessary or would have been futile. NASA spent all kinds of money on failsafes that they included in the Apollo missions, though, before anyone was even in actual jeopardy, including a small, redundant ascent craft for the lander (the LESS).

You know your little picture looks like the stabby robot from Futurama, right?

You know Apollo 13 was based on a true story, right?