B. Acre

What about jazz…

I think a lot of these are overblown, but some of them are pretty serious. DJs not taking a female SM's directions, but following her male intern's (identical) directions? That's the real deal.

I'd say roughly 50-50? Maybe 60-40?

So what I'm getting out of this is that directors love cantilevering?

Yeah, at first I dismissed it because I thought it was just punching down at broad stereotypes that hadn't been relevant in decades. As the show wore on, though, it became clear that it was coming from a sincere place, and the tonal shift complements that growing feeling of verite. It's pretty amazing for what it is.

Oh man, Moral Orel. It starts out feeling kind of cheap and shallow and by the end you're just wading through pathos up to your hips. The Season 3 premiere hits like a pillowcase filled with doorknobs.

Is that some kind of euphemism?

Why is the Great Emancipator, who probably said some things (that he may or may not have meant sincerely) that are offensive to modern racial sensibilities but who ultimately gave his life to abolish the institution of slavery while preserving the great democracy it was poisoning not equivalent to a guy who literally

The only way the racist WWII cartoons would be analogous would be if we built a memorial to our victory over the buck-toothed and weak-eyed Japanese, or something like that. There is a huge difference between "revisionist history" and "not honoring people for committing heinous acts," like rising up in rebellion

No, she's applying modern values and judgments to 1959, when the school was named J.E.B. Stuart High School as a "fuck you" to anti-segregationists. This is literally one step removed from naming the school "Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever High"

The south produced 7 of the first 15 presidents, and one of the non-Southern presidents (William Henry Harrison) served only a month before dying, and being succeeded by John Tyler (Virginia). The slaveholding states (as they referred to themselves) were also matched with the free states in Congress, even though the

You really should read up on the Civil War. You might think people are oversimplifying when they say "it was all about slavery" or being theatrical when they say "it was about white supremacism", but it really was all about slavery and white supremacy. Contemporary sources are remarkably, amazingly consistent and

Is the history that we're removing here the naming (or renaming?) of a high school literally fifty-six years ago as an act of defiance to people who had the temerity to suggest that black people should not be systemically and legally discriminated against? Are we worried that we're going to forget that


I think "The Temple" is pretty great—probably on level with "The Rats in the Walls". Of course, it's been at least fifteen years since I read either, so maybe I'd reconsider.

I am an old, but I continue to believe that the two games you play in order to get good at FPSs are CS 1.6 and some kind of Quake III style arena insanity.

All players have an easier time aiming with a mouse. Because aiming with thumbsticks is awful.

Put. That fair trade. Canvas Bag. Down.

I only know what I read in the sleazy webpages, but the subscription fee was $20/mo., based on what I saw. He paid $1,000 in total, across two accounts, including the $250 for the "affair guarantee." I'm not sure how dumb a man has to be to pay $250 for the possibility of getting, what, like $60 back (it was a three

Divorce attorneys.