B. Acre

There has to be more to it than that, right? I can just keep my $250 and still have sex, if there isn't. There has to be some special service attached to it, or only complete imbeciles would sign up for it.

Exactly the kind of ruthless, bloodthirsty sentiments I expect from an NPR pledge drive.

Well, he paid $250 for an "affair guarantee" on his second account, so I'd say odds are good that he cheated on his wife at least once.

Upvote for recognizing the the one true online FPS is CS 1.5 RIP in peace.

Unfair. There are also plenty of de_dust2 24/7 servers, noob.

You are learning to play shooters on a console? That's like trying to get really good at wheelchair badminton when you have perfectly functioning legs.

Why would you steal that line from Fat Jew?

Don't knock it until you've tried it. Also amazing: brandy on pancakes.

I'm pretty sure sangria is wine, fruit juice and a little brandy to bring the alcohol content back up to wine-ish levels. And also coca cola, if you're actually in Spain.

Haven't seen this yet, but I'm pretty sure "state judge" should be "federal judge." Federal District Judge Leonard Sand, of the District Court for the Southern District of New York, is the real-life judge who issued the desegregation order in 1985, and continued to preside over the case until its conclusion in 2007.

Vonce ze rockets go up, who cares vere zey come down? Zat's not my department!

What you have just written is a hypothesis dressed up in a "just so" story. It does not explain reality, though. Why do women not commit equivalent violent acts against other women, where the physical power differential does not exist? Why do women become more aggressive when given testosterone? Why do men become


Yeah, we're all terrible, but it's a totally different thing. Look, I believe that socialization has a big effect, and there's a complex web of causation and all that, but it is unsurprising that men make up over 90% of the prison population and commit over 90% of homicides.

Agreed, but the point is that men, in spite of the human ability to "exert self-control", are generally more aggressive. There are exceptions, but the idea that men, on the whole, are not massively influenced (i.e. don't ACT on their urges) by their androgens is just wrong. Which is, I think, what Idiotking was

That's not even true. I'm not Catholic, but their jewelry game is second to none. Have you seen the papal mitres?

So your plan is to replace venal, corrupt, conflicted human beings with pure, sociopathic murder machines?

That's not how it works. Any man who honestly examines his life—and in particular his behavior from ages 12 - 22—should be able to spot times he acted utterly irrationally, probably because of hormones. The idea that chemically driven emotion is a female thing is sexist nonsense, but the idea that our behavior is

Well, she is a slav. You know how those people are. Am I right? Eh? Eh? Don't look so uncomfortable, you're among like-minded folk here.

Far exceeds? The Daily Show pulls approximately 1.8 million viewers to Letterman's 2.7 million, and outperforms both Letterman and Kimmel among 18 - 49 year olds. The Late Show has a larger audience, yes, but not by that much in the scheme of things, and its audience is in many ways less valuable. The difference in