B. Acre

Seriously, the inability of directors to communicate superhero origins in less than ten minutes tells me that few of them have ever read the comics on which the billion-dollar intellectual property with which they have been gifted is based.

Just fantastic. Bravo.

How tolerable would you rate waiting five. Minutes. Every. Week?

If you can't enjoy J-Stew and Denis Leary busting each other's balls for five minutes or however long the interview segment lasts, you should really breathe on a mirror or something to check to see if you have a soul.

Little known fact: you can construct a grammatically correct sentence using only the word Benghazi.

Strongly disagree. Inglorious Basterds is all about forgiveness and vengeance, while Django is about love, friendship, dignity and humanity. IB is Tarantino at his most nihilist in many ways, while Django is Tarantino at his most Romantic.

I remember feeling deeply conflicted when I watched it. It is well-acted and, mechanically, it's well-directed. But I couldn't shake the feeling that either the director was saying something awful either on purpose or by accident.

If she's not a sadist, she does a great impression of one. She spends most of her time playing with her victim (who is a horrible person), and ultimately convinces him to kill himself. Her last action is to twist the knife as he is dying. It's a movie that revels in the infliction of torment on someone who

That's literally the opposite of the choice.

If you're doing a movie substitution, Hebrew Hammer looks closer than Bad Santa for this.

Is this the kind of advice you give your imaginary daughter?

I sincerely doubt that he was done writing when Della Pietra was kicking around. That would have to mean that Better than Sex was basically ghost-written which, particularly with Chapter 666, seems highly unlikely.

Generation of Swine is criminally underrated.


Intersecting circles. Tophat, too!

I think the rubric is you add the digits in the male star's age and then round up to age of consent?


I really don't see the problem here. Cenac told a story that is probably a little incomplete, but frankly rings true. It tells us something about Stewart and something about Cenac and, I think, isn't really about this one or that one being revealed as a racist/whiner whatever.

You're literally right that it's prejudice, but it's also clearly racial prejudice—i.e. forming a judgment about a person solely based on their race. Racial prejudice is a canonical manifestation of racism, so any definition of racism that doesn't capture it seems to need some more nuance.

I'm not saying you're wrong about any of this, but posing a series of binaries with apparently definitive answers does not exactly scream "NUANCE".