B. Acre

Trump never declared personal bankruptcy. Putting a business through bankruptcy is not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if it's not your sole business. But when the person him- or herself is the one declaring, that's a whole different animal.

I don't know, I kind of miss all dance music everywhere sounding like someone hired their 16-year-old cousin to DJ a funeral and the kid was really trying but, you know, 16 years old.

Not "earned" in the sense of "were paid," but figuratively, sure.

Most of our most important persons reside in Delaware.

Wouldn't it be great if like 75% of your co-workers referred to you as The Damphair though? And the other 25% called you the Dam-Fire?

I can tell you're a not a book reader because you think the Dorne scenes have a function for the plot.

If you read what I wrote, it will be clear I am laboring under no such delusion. You may be evaluating in addition to comparing, but for a lot of people the "evaluation" is "I liked the way season 1 [did X][was structured][setting][etc] more than season 2". Even the reviews say things like "four characters is a

You can't wait perfect match like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito to come along again or the movie will never get made!

Someone please tell me the Rock/Hart Twins remake is actually happening.

Given the number of pegging questions Savage gets and answers I'm not sure that's accurate.

I'm not sure how any of that has anything to do with what I said. I never said that prosecutors make a lot of money (they don't) or that they don't have high workloads (they do) or that they're "lazy government fat-cats." They are, by the way, "paid lackeys"—though I didn't say that—in the sense that they're paid to

I'm not sure why people are arguing with you. It is both common to the point of cliche as well as effectively true to say that the prosecution "has unlimited resources." Prosecutors are salaried government employees. The government will not exhaust its retainer, or otherwise lose its lawyer. Ever. Further, the

You're not judging it on its own merits if you're comparing it to S1, so long as the comparison to S1 is used as a metric for how good it is. It's difficult-to-impossible to evaluate a show without comparing it to other things, but people saying things like "Four characters is a weaker choice than two characters like

He was the Watson to Rust's Holmes. The ordinary man.

Dear A.V. Club Commenters,

Haven't you heard? He's usually at the stock market these days. I heard he met with another adult there, and they did a business. I'm sure he won't have much time to hang around.

Hey the Professor can walk again! Wait, no, back in the wheelchair. Running hurdles! Or unwrapping a nice new plaid leg blanket.

Clumsy retcons? In X-Men? Perish the thought.

Oh good, then there's film of it!

Ray Velcoro, from County Velcoro, in really, really southeast Ireland.