B. Acre

Still better re-casting than the middle Mountain or Daario.

Maybe. Maybe they leave him dead for the rest of next season, and then you've got like years of them. GRRM sends his regards.

Really? Because, it has seemed to be a pretty big story that he hid it. I'm sure that got it more publicity than it might otherwise have gotten, but I can totally see someone not wanting to be embarrassed on a national stage, and worrying that it might spiral out of control.

I'm guessing the answer is that he's a public figure who thought that if this got out, he might have to answer a bunch of uncomfortable questions and serve as a stand-in for white America's collective guilt, and didn't want to go through it. Doesn't seem unreasonable to me, frankly, though maybe I overestimate how

It's not about embarrassing a guy for clicks, it's about ethics in journalism.

She shouldn't be so concerned. What are the odds that the guy who saw Gigli will be around much longer?

That's how you get ants.

Yeah, and back when cars were carbureted you had to pump the gas pedal when it was cold before trying to start the car. But when fuel injection became standard a couple of decades ago, that piece of wisdom became obsolete. And aside from really a handful of years in the '80s and maybe early '90s, for some kinds of

Mostly "kayaking" meet-ups and brutal anonymous misogyny, but also gifs of cats?

He's a troll and he's getting a response. He doesn't so much have a problem as exist to be one.

That's such a great term. "A Creative." The de-individualization and ruthless commoditization of a human being until he's just an interchangeable widget to be shoved into a machine. But in jeans!

Anyone who makes the "Macs are better for graphics" argument is working on roughly the same plane as people who insist on having screen savers because they're worried about burn in, or who pump the gas in their fuel injected car before trying to start it when it's cold.

I'm going to make a wild guess here that you're white and you don't live in the South.

There's not a real difference between saying the CSA is "like" Nazi Germany and saying the CSA is "the same" as Nazi Germany, because both usages are understood to be similes. No one is arguing that the CSA was a genocidal government, or that it existed in the 1930s or any of the other points of difference you've

Make more mans.

That's not really a corollary. It's basically what the OP actually said. Your strawman is, I guess, a flawed corollary.

Any American in the last hundred years, at least, who has used the phrase "stars and bars" means the flag currently known as the "Confederate Flag," and which—during the civil war—existed as either the CSA Naval Jack or the Flag of the Army of Tennessee or the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. The second

To show that people who believe that "your best plan [is] to be an armed-to-the-teeth survivalist in the wilderness because there [is] going to be a plague that the gub'mint [will] unleash" are stupid and primitive? Yeah, more or less.

Your point is "don't compare the CSA to Nazi Germany because they're different." Which is stupid. Comparing two things that are identical is a waste of time. The CSA and Nazi Germany were inarguably similar, and similar in ways that are pertinent to the discussion. They were racist regimes, founded on white

This is really just historical trivia. The flag currently referred to as the Confederate Flag has called and used as such for at least the last 100 years. The "real" flag also includes the flag currently identified as the Confederate Flag:….